Sitting here watching paw patrol with my kids for the 10th time, got bored. Used AI.
RYDER, a 10-year-old boy and the leader of the PAW PATROL, a team of talking dogs who perform rescue missions, is in his office, talking on the phone.
RYDER: Yes, Mr. President, the shipment is on its way. Don't worry, no one will suspect a thing. The Paw Patrol is the perfect cover for our operation. (laughs) Who would ever think that a bunch of cute puppies are actually smuggling weapons to your country?
He hangs up the phone and turns to his computer screen, where he sees a live feed of a cargo plane flying over the ocean.
RYDER: Excellent. Everything is going according to plan. Soon, I will have enough money to fund my ultimate project: the Paw-nator. A giant robot dog that will destroy anyone who stands in my way.
He laughs maniacally.
Suddenly, he hears a knock on the door.
RYDER: Come in.
The door opens and CHASE, a German shepherd and the police dog of the Paw Patrol, enters.
CHASE: Ryder, sir, I need to talk to you.
RYDER: What is it, Chase?
CHASE: Well, sir, I've been doing some digging, and I found something very disturbing.
RYDER: What do you mean?
CHASE: I found out that you've been selling weapons to developing nations, using the Paw Patrol as a front.
RYDER: What? That's ridiculous. Where did you get that idea?
CHASE: I hacked into your computer, sir. I saw the records, the transactions, the video feeds. It's all there, sir. You can't deny it.
RYDER: Chase, I'm sorry, but you've made a terrible mistake. You've stumbled upon something you shouldn't have. Something that's bigger than you, bigger than me, bigger than the Paw Patrol.
CHASE: What are you talking about, sir?
RYDER: I'm talking about the new world order, Chase. The world is changing, and I'm changing with it. I'm not just a kid anymore, Chase. I'm a visionary, a leader, a mastermind. I'm the one who's going to shape the future of this planet, and you're either with me or against me.
CHASE: Sir, you've gone mad. You've betrayed everything the Paw Patrol stands for. You've betrayed your friends, your team, your country.
RYDER: No, Chase, you're the one who's betrayed me. You're the one who's betrayed the Paw Patrol. You're the one who's betrayed your duty.
CHASE: My duty is to protect the innocent, sir. To uphold the law, sir. To stop the bad guys, sir. And right now, you're the bad guy, sir.
RYDER: Is that so? Well, then, I guess we have a problem, don't we?
He presses a button on his desk, and a trap door opens under Chase, sending him falling into a dark pit.
RYDER: Goodbye, Chase. You were a good dog, but a bad cop.
He closes the trap door and resumes his evil laughter.

I came here to joke that judging by what toy stores look like, they probably just sell merch. I was extremely not ready for that to be the canonical explanation and now I feel more respect for the writers. More empathy, too, because... you know they know.