this post was submitted on 12 Jan 2024
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This week went past so quickly! I had tons of work stuff to catch up to, so pretty much only got to play over the weekend, and hopefully will get to play on the weekend again.

Played some Snipe Elite 4, I think I am about 75% done with the main campaign, basing off the trophies.

Also played some Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1. Nothing much to say about it.

Tried Air Conflicts: Pacific Carriers but couldn't get into it, so dropped it after about an hour.

Started Powerwash Simulator and played a little bit. Not sure currently if I will keep playing it or not.

What about all of you? What have you been playing? And what recent or "coming up soon" game you're really excited about?

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[–] Phelpssan 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Finished Cassette Beasts!

A very fun indie monster collecting game. Visually reminds me a bit of the GBA Pokemons, and this game has a lot of good ideas that I'd like to see in more games of this genre.

In particular, I really like the more open-world approach, the environmental puzzles (reminded me a bit of Golden Sun), and the vulnerabilities system - instead of being simply "fire does extra damage to ice", it's based on buffs/debuffs. If you hit a Wind monster with a fire attack you trigger an "updraft" creating a wind barrier to protect it, but if you hit a plastic monster you melt it and change its type to Poison and apply the status effect at the same time.

The OST is amazing, and I really like how all battle themes have a vocal version that plays when you (or your enemy) trigger a Fusion. This is a small thing, but does a really good job in adding more hype to those battles.

It's fairly short (took me ~20h to finish the main story), but there's a lot of monsters left to collect plus some post-game content that I'm interested in doing eventually.

Playing The Legend of Nayuta: Boundless Trails!

Not much to add to this one. Slow progress since I was mostly playing Cassette Beasts this last week.

[–] slimerancher 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Cassette Beasts seems great. I have heard many positive things about the game. And 20 hours is a good enough time, not too long and not too short. May give it a try soon.

[–] Phelpssan 2 points 1 year ago

Definitely recommend it if you enjoy this type of game.