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Finished Cassette Beasts!
A very fun indie monster collecting game. Visually reminds me a bit of the GBA Pokemons, and this game has a lot of good ideas that I'd like to see in more games of this genre.
In particular, I really like the more open-world approach, the environmental puzzles (reminded me a bit of Golden Sun), and the vulnerabilities system - instead of being simply "fire does extra damage to ice", it's based on buffs/debuffs. If you hit a Wind monster with a fire attack you trigger an "updraft" creating a wind barrier to protect it, but if you hit a plastic monster you melt it and change its type to Poison and apply the status effect at the same time.
The OST is amazing, and I really like how all battle themes have a vocal version that plays when you (or your enemy) trigger a Fusion. This is a small thing, but does a really good job in adding more hype to those battles.
It's fairly short (took me ~20h to finish the main story), but there's a lot of monsters left to collect plus some post-game content that I'm interested in doing eventually.
Playing The Legend of Nayuta: Boundless Trails!
Not much to add to this one. Slow progress since I was mostly playing Cassette Beasts this last week.
Cassette Beasts seems great. I have heard many positive things about the game. And 20 hours is a good enough time, not too long and not too short. May give it a try soon.
Definitely recommend it if you enjoy this type of game.