DNC Chairman Cites Biden's Mass Marijuana Pardon As Example Of How The President Has Delivered For Black Voters
A source for cannabis news and vaporizer use
Can I ask, in what way?
Doesn't law enforcement disproportionately targeting black people for marijuana arrests unjustly? source Isn't this recognition that there is corruption in enforcement of laws? Wouldn't pardoning be a fast-track to give those arrested justice and their freedom back as fast as possible?
I'm not seeing the word "grateful" in the article, but I would think that equal treatment under the law would be a goal of all groups. Law enforcement today doesn't do this today. Biden's actions with this are a small step in bending back toward equal treatment.
Of course not, but this isn't about advocating for legalization of marijuana, but of blacks unfairly incarcerated when the same situation someone of another race being let go by law enforcement.
"Perfect is the enemy of good". I don't want someone unjustly sitting in jail while the wheels of politics try to find the perfect solution. I'm happy with any steps to apply the laws equally. More is better, but I'm not going to deny a small step if its a step forward.
Nope. Biden is one advocating for federal student loan forgiveness. His administration has forgiven $132 billion for more than 3.6 million borrowers. The position you're talking about in opposition is the republican stance. source
I agree the underlying issue of unequally applied laws needs to be fixed, but that doesn't happen overnight and there are strong forces working against fixing it. The power of pardon is something fully within his power to do. It requires no permission or compromise with another party. He had the power, and did it. Its one of the few places it works that pay in politics.
I addressed that above. Small steps forward today don't preclude larger ones later. We don't have to solve the ENTIRE problem to address part of it or reduce the suffering today the problem causes. Biden's stance in both student loan forgiveness and this pardoning share that consistency.
I could very well be wrong about this, but my understanding is that decriminalizing Marijuana wouldn't automatically trigger a release of all persons previously convicted on Marijuana charges, and they would each individually need to appeal their cases. It seems like both actions would be needed if the objective is to prevent Marijuana charges in the future and correct for Marijuana charges in the past.