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Lol ok buddy I guess if Israel says they represent all Jews, we should believe them because they've never lied about anything ever
Get your antisemitic ass out of here, you're making a fool of yourself
Lmao there it goes, ya'll throw around that word at anyone whom you disagree with.
Just so you know, I view all religions the same way. As something that should be in history books and nothing more.
Anyways, I'm done wasting my time in here, caio!
Attributing the actions if Israel to Jews as a whole IS antisemitic.
Because Israel sucks ass and you're saying Israel is synonymous with the Jewish people? Ya know, prejudice towards an entire group of people who aren't responsible for the crimes of the Israeli government?
I guess all Germans are Nazis, too. You think Jews are some homogenous hivemind or something?
99% of Jews had nothing to do with the creation of Israel. True or false?
I'm areligious but your suggestion shows that you're a major dork lmao
I thought you were done wasting your time btw
You're an "all rectangles are squares" kind of guy aren't ya
Black is black and white is white, no more no less
Looks like you're out of strawman arguements because I burned them all
That doesn't even make sense lol
My analogy there was spot on. You're rightfully angry at the squares but you're blaming all rectangles.
And you haven't "burned" my argument which has been the same the whole time: Israel does not act on the behalf of, nor does it have support from, all Jews.
They're saying it because it's true: you're an antisemite.
What did I specifically say that is antisemetic?
You're equating an entire ethnic group, Jewish people, with the actions of the State of Israel, that was founded on settler colonialism and continues to do brutal colonialism and occupation onto the Palestinian people. These two are not remotely the same thing. It's very true that prominent early Zionists (pre 1948) and many Israeli officials aim to conflate anti-zionism/criticism of the state of Israel to antisemitism, but that is a tactic to deflect criticisms and does not make it true. Israel doesn't even represent all Israelis, let alone all Jewish people. Plus, plenty of criticism about the creation and actions of the state of Israel have come from prominent Jewish people for decades. How can you possibly conflate the two unless it's out of ignorance or it's intentional out of antisemitism. I'm not even Jewish. If you're anti Israel for humanitarian reasons you should also be against antisemitism for the same reasons. It's not that hard.
It was pointed out to you over and over and over again. Shut up and listen.