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It's the weekend, my dudes.
Baten Kaitos New Game Minus progress is slow. I don't play it very often right now but when I do, I get a lot done. Some enemies have begun to outspeed me, but I've only had a character die to bad defense RNG once so far.
I've spent most of my time with Arkham Origins lately. I've 100% the main game and New Game Plus (which is an odd name for hard mode), I've beaten the Cold Cold Heart DLC and have just begun the Challenge maps. When I started the game, I completely forgot it takes place during christmas, so it's an accidentally fitting game.
I'm deep enough into Shantae on the Game Boy to have more of an opinion on it. The game has two faces: The dungeons, which are a joy to be in and the overworld which is an awful slog. The game has fast travel, but it takes a long time to unlock it. And the constant back and forth makes me impatient enough to just jump into a pit and be reset to the beginning of the area. I probably could have beaten the game by now if I played it more, but I'm playing too many games at once...
Speaking of too many games, I dug out my save file for Pokemon Infinite Fusion again and finally finished off most of the post game.
How is Arkham Origins' performance on Switch?
I hope they added QoL features in Shantae when they brought it to Switch.
Origins isn't part of the Arkham Trilogy that is on the Switch. It's the awkward black sheep that isn't as bad as people say, but deserves most of the criticism.
Ah, I confused it with Knight. Yeah, Origins is the one they act as it didn't exist.