this post was submitted on 10 Nov 2023
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Oh cool enjoy! Would love to know which case ends up your favorite after you've finished! And I'm very excited to get the HD Apollo Justice collection coming out! Thought it would never happen.
I'm liking it a lot so far. Took me a bit to adjust to the controls but it feels perfectly fine now. Difficulty seems just right and the boss fights I've had so far are honestly pretty fun. Menu navigation can be a little janky though.
I think if you're into the whole rogue-lite thing you should give it a try! You're playing Nioh (one of my favorite PS titles), so I think you'll enjoy it. There's compendiums for what you pick up that update with each run you make. Weapons, relics, items, etc. There's upgrades for the protagonist, which help with future runs. There's cosmetic incentive to beat the game under certain conditions. Don't want to give away too much but, I think it's worth a try for sure.
And Rise, yeah! I got Sunbreak super late so all the updated content is just there at once so I'm slowly trying to make my way through it. Trying to get a set together before going to fight Velkhana and Amatsu. I remember Velkhana giving me a very hard time in Iceborne, hoping for a better hunt this time around.
Sure, currently I am spending time hating Karma. ๐
I am not a big fan of rougelite, so that's a turn off. But may still give it a try.
Good luck with Monster Hunter!