this post was submitted on 01 Nov 2023
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"Public order and morals." Lmfao
Who even says that shit?
Stop cursing, citizen. You are disturbing public order and morals.
I'll bet they doesn't know about the three seashells!
As a person who has lived in a more oppresive country for the most of his life, I can tell you with high confidence that when you hear "public order and morals" it is usually a whole load of bullshit to appease the general population. Also there is a very high chance that the people saying this shit gain something from the changes made to ensure the "public order and morals"
Xi’s China. Makes me wonder who influences Capcom PR.
CCP does, the whole tone reeks of authoritarian propaganda on their level (not saying it comes from them, it's just similar).
Also religious freaks do that.
"You need to produce more kids, but God forbid you see a nipple in the wild!"
For nipples to be as common as they are, wild nipples are shockingly rare.
Sounds like a Supreme Court ruling from 1894.
Or republican dipshit in 2023