this post was submitted on 21 Jun 2023
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This is the MegaThread for Nintendo Direct today, 06/23 at 7am P.T. As for this moment, that's about in 4 hours.

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[–] SpaceAape 4 points 2 years ago (3 children)

What does everyone think of Palia?

[–] mvu 5 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Looked a bit generic but may be fun w/ non-gamer partner

Little skeeved out by the free to play bit tho...

[–] SpaceAape 3 points 2 years ago

Yeah I'm not thrilled about that, probably gonna be filled with paid content. I like slower paced games like that though, and like the social aspect as long as it isn't neutered.

[–] slimerancher 1 points 2 years ago

If you don't mind free to play games. It looks like it could be a fun time pass.

[–] abouttocomealive 1 points 1 year ago

Been playing it for a couple of months now on pc. It's cozy and chill. There are lots of little quests. Skills to develop (eg gathering/fishing/mining/gardening etc). NPC's to interact with and run errands for.

The only "combat" element is hunting. No fighting. (Whether that's a pro/con is a personal preference ofcourse.)

You need other players for small stuff, like chopping magical trees. Which most players are quite chill about and can be arranged on the spot. No need to join an established guild or something.

For late game, (when you have maxed all NPC's) the progress is in building/furnishing/beautifying a house, and for the completionists: catching all bugs/fish, craft all furniture, finding all the little secret quests.

The only paid content are outfits & pets. Purely cosmetic. They stated that they will keep it that way, and so far so good. So if you wish to support the company, you can. If not, there is no need to.