this post was submitted on 14 Sep 2023
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I've only ever heard players saying they love the shit out of it and haven't seen anyone saying they ended up disliking it or growing bored. I'd like to know people's generally play hours, though, too
I've got something like 50 hours into it so far and am still loving it.
I'm at chapter 5 (of 7) and Steam is showing 15.6 hours (and 18/43 achievements if you are into achievements, which I am not.). I am still loving it.
I played a lot of it the last few days, so I am taking a little break to play something else. I need a few more restaurant days to make money to upgrade my suit to explore deeper to progress the main story quest. I blew all my cash training the best restaurant staff so that my kitchen is completely automated though.
ive finished the game in about 50 hours, i was drawn in all the way through, the only thing missing is stuff to do postgame lol
Can you grind post game just for fun and it lacks any progression or reason, or does the game definitively end?
You can grind postgame. I wouldn’t say there’s no progression… upgrading everything and everyone to the max would take a huge amount of money. I played for a few days after the end of the game but I was pretty much ready to move on from the game at that point. Absolutely loved it though… it’s worth picking up.
you can grind to upgrade your staff and business, there are reocurring events in which you can prepare special dishes to earn more money, maxing out characters takes a few postgame days
I think Its unrealistic to say there is a game that people wont grow bored. I would also like to know the play hours.