this post was submitted on 25 Aug 2023
1443 points (97.1% liked)

Murdered by Words

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Responses that completely destroy the original argument in a way that leaves little to no room for reply - a targeted, well-placed response to another person, organization, or group of people.

The following things are not grounds for murder:


  1. Be civil and remember the human. No name calling or insults. Swearing in general is fine, but not to insult someone else.
  2. Discussion is encouraged but arguments are not. Don’t be aggressive and don’t argue for arguments sake.
  3. No bigotry of any kind.
  4. Censor the person info of anyone not in the public eye.
  5. If you break the rules you’ll get one warning before you’re banned.
  6. Enjoy the community in the light hearted way it’s intended.

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[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

I've read they do this with our own military too so they can gauge the reaction of military personnel elsewhere in the world without exposing them to our secret technology. I'm like 99% sure that's what all the recent UFO video stuff was that had been circling the Internet.