Epic Games Store is offering developers 100% of revenue for six months of exclusivity
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Their checkout still doesn't have a cart, it takes forever to load, the UI is terribly clunky, the library sorting is terrible (how do you fuck this up), it's resource heavy, and I'd be willing to overlook all that oof they had an in game overlay with web browser.
Aside from the terrible experience, they have profit seeking investors, one of which is Tencent. We all have seen were it goes when profits are priority over consumers.
Not a hate boner. Just genuine dislike of the platform as it stands right now.
They do in fact have a cart I fucking used it last week to add two free games and check em out at the same time.
When did you last use it to pay for a game? Just curious, I find most people are more tolerant of issues with something they didn't have to pay for.
I bought Tetris Effect on it back when that game seemed to take every single exclusive offer before finally landing on steam (PS4, then Epic then Gamepass/Xbox THEN Steam) man that's annoying. Prior I picked up Rebel Galaxy Outlaw on the cheap cheap thanks to a coupon but later got a Steam copy through a bundle.
I don't remember when they added the cart but it's there. I can see it right now. It works. At least when adding 2 free games at once.
Nice. I'll have to take a look next time I'm on there. I didn't see anything that showed it was available last time.
Good on them.