this post was submitted on 04 Aug 2023
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[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago (11 children)

Amongst all the huhbub and finger pointing, the actual first rule of guns is always check that the gun is loaded.

You check the chamber and you check the ammo.

At no point should there ever be live ammo on a movie shoot. Whether that Baldwin's fault for hiring a shitty armorer, I don't know. But there where many failures up and down the line. If the assistant director was also supposed to check, they also failed.

But at the end of the line, Alec Baldwin picked up the gun and didn't or couldn't identify that the gun was loaded with live ammunition and pulled the trigger while it was pointed at someone. And that person died.

[–] Falmarri 15 points 1 year ago (9 children)

You check the chamber and you check the ammo.

So actors, who aren't experts, should be disassembling and unloading/loading the guns they're using, after the armorer has declared the gun safe? Is that what you think will make this safer?

[–] schroedingershat 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (4 children)

Same rules as climbing. Check your own gear, and check your partner's gear.

The armorer can unload, check, and reload the gun in front of the actor. Then the actor can unload, check, and reload the gun under the training and supervisions if the armorer. Any actor seeking to hold a real gun should also need independent, verified training that comes from outside the studio. We don't let actors fly planes or perform surgery to make the shot slightly more realistic unless they have valid training, why should guns be any different?

There is also no valid reason (cost is not a valid reason) for why there would be a real bullet that fits in a real gun (the lead projectile part) anywhere on set. Even if you need a shot with one, don't make it out of metal or anything strong enough to survive the blank going off.

Whoeve loaded the gun is partially responsible. Alec Baldwin the producer is the most responsible. And Alec Baldwin the actor is partially responsible.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Yes, if you're a rock climber.

If you're an actor doing a rock climbing scene in a movie, you don't know how the gear should be set up. You rely on the crew and rock climbing expert on set to check your gear. If you check or modify the gear to test it in some way, you may inadvertently make it unsafe because you don't know anything about Rock climbing gear and safety.

[–] schroedingershat 1 points 1 year ago

If you are climbing rocks in a movie, you are a rock climber.

If you are belaying someone fir a shot who falls and dies because their gear was not checked, then you are responsible in the exact same way.

If you have insufficient training to check it under the direct supervision of an expert without fucking it up, then you shouldn't be anywhere near it.

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