this post was submitted on 29 Jul 2023
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[–] [email protected] 41 points 1 year ago (6 children)

Makes me wonder how you could see the year-on-year increase in climate related natural disasters, temperature records being broken over and over in both directions, the shortening of the "between" seasons, and come to conclusion that Climate change isn't real.

Even arguing it isn't man-made is a better argument, because at least that only involves handwaving away the well-known effects of the pollutants we're dumping into the atmosphere by the tonnes.

[–] wanderingmagus 12 points 1 year ago (2 children)

"If climate change is real why is it still cold in the winter"

"There's no climate change, just earth cycles. This is a good thing actually."

"Climate change is fake and doesn't matter because Jesus is coming and the True Believers(tm) will be ruptured to heaven and the world will be destroyed and remade, as it is written"

"Climate change isn't real, the lamesteam media is a bunch of lying communist feminazis paid for by the liberals, and the scientists are all a bunch of fascist propagandists trying to turn America into a dictatorship ruled by gay Satan worshipping baby killers. We have to prepare to use our 2nd amendment rights to fight the commu-fascists flooding our country with illegal aliens."

-your average climate change denier. Also my mom, my uncle, and my mom's group of little old ladies at church.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago

Geezus I felt my blood pressure rising just reading this. It's so true it hurts.

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