This one is both upsetting and weird.
So there was a user on who's been spamming posts. Like a lot. 58 per day, on average. Not 58 comments. 58 posts.
I started seeing a little scattering of reports about it, mostly just figured it was the mods' business to deal with, and then finally today I actually really took a look at what they were doing and realized it was way over the top. Pretty much everyone in the comments agreed when someone brought it up.
A 25 day old account with 1,400+ posts? What the actual fuck? My entire goddamn feed is this one account...
Touch grass. Good lord. You're carpet bombing multiple communities with repeats of the same crap.
The user was not receptive.
I guess people here do not know how to block an account.
Is that a compliment or a rant?
May I introduce you to Lemmy block function.
If you don’t like my posts then block me and you will never see them again. As simple as that.
That's a bunch of bullshit. The voting was about as you would expect. I said to the user:
That's not how it works. If you're interfering with the average Lemmy user's experience, you don't get to claim it doesn't count because each individual person would be able to block each individual problematic account, if they wanted to have a good experience. Honestly, these people have a point. You have been posting an average of 58 posts per day. That's too much. I post a ton, and that's about 10 times more than me, and I've gotten multiple complaints about posting too much in particular communities. The handful of times it's happened, my reaction was "Oh my bad what sounds like an acceptable level" and then to more or less stick to an acceptable level. Getting snarky with people who are asking you to cool it is very bad. Please stop posting so much. Anything about 10-15 posts per day starts to feel really excessive to me. Definitely don't be dismissive about people's complaints to you about it.
They rejected my suggestion, so I sent them a DM that was a little more direct about it: Stop doing this if you want to keep your account on my instance.
Then, for some reason, they deleted their account on their own.
Well, that was weird, but at least it's all resolved and we can all get back to what we were doing. Or wait... what's happening now?
I wasn't expecting "making sure we make a safe space for the spammers by banning people who complain about spam" to be an important moderation duty, but I guess in the bizarro world that is [email protected] moderation philosophy, it makes perfect sense.
Wow lemmy is becoming more like reddit every day.
A lot of it seems to be one particular moderator.
Most of the big-name communities have moderation that in my opinion is just kind of clueless, but that might be just a product of having to deal with a neverending flood of hundreds of different issues (not being able to devote any amount of attention to each one of them beyond the most basic possible glance at it.) There is one specific moderator who seems to be consistently at the root of these totally backwards-land decisions though. What the reason for that is, I have no idea.
Lemmy is reddit. Always have been. Including the false superiority complex that somehow comes with both platforms.
It's literally just open source reddit that redditors used to flee reddit. Not sure why people are surprised. Social media is only as good as its users.
Foss chads do be like that has always been the most Reddit-like in terms of operation. Most others are reasonable about spam management.
Engagement numbers are like crack for some people I guess
And another paranoia comment. Please lmk if i should stop:
If I was a mod on world and wanted other instances to slowly burn out. That's probably how I would do it. Not saying thats the case. Just finding the most likely if insane explanation.
This is what reddit is, report said spam, large subs will ban you in retaliation for " making too many reports or if they feel your reporting is not a reportable offense"
How much do I have to bribe the devs to make every lemmy instance refuse any signups named gallowboob?