Star Citizen
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I'll be updating this as I watch but I'll stick to the main points. If you want a full picture just watch the archive.
Partial TL;DW:
Edit: added notes for hour 2.
Edit 2: Better split for the whole thing.
Part 2:
They're are also making fixes to the current system until the rewrite is complete.
There was also an issue where inventory caching (for UI) wouldn't update properly in some locations so they revamping the system to improve on that (items are actually stored, it's just a display issue).
There will be a short, medium and long term solutions - this topic will be discussed next week on the show.
They started engineering work to rethink how missions are made to improve and automate the tools.
One of them has to do with the fact that each ship component consists of smaller entities (responsible for health, power etc.) and sometimes some of these disappear/break from Quantum Drive when moving between shards, leaving people stranded or with inconsistent fuel levels.
They don't think there is an issue with malicious dupe marking to farm rewards but they promise to look into it to confirm.