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Regulations and anti-trust laws are a band-aid. Competition reduces the rate of profit, which is only combatted through expansion, whether it be joining firms together or international expansion a la Imperialism. To not do so would lower the rate of profit to zero and collapse the economy.
Centrally planned economies have been autocratic towards Capitalists, sure, but have had their own democratic structures. See Soviet Democracy by Pat Sloan for more on how they functioned and if they functioned well (they did, though not without imperfections).
The average Chinese and Vietnamese citizens can absolutely impact government, especially local gocernment. Democracy for business owners isn't genuine democracy, that's a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie.
As for citizens having more control in publicly owned and planned economies, it is true. See the formerly linked Soviet Democracy, as well as Is the Red Flag Flying? Political Economy of the Soviet Union as well as This Soviet World as well as Blackshirts and Reds as well as Workplace Democracy In Action in the CPC. Simply stating "no" isn't a point, I can tell you what AES states are and were like but if you're going to respond with "no," all I can do is show you sources proving otherwise.
As for the destabilization in western countries, its because the representatives have a narrow vision of what you can vote for and ultimately serve the Bourgeoisie over all else. There isn't some foreign conspiracy to take down the US from within the electoral system, that's chauvanism on display and is utterly divorced from reality.
Marxists are Marxists because of the real benefits of Socialism worldwide that are measurable and trackable, calling it "magical and wishful thinking" is just a thought-terminating cliché.