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Yes, but his heightened senses borderline on superpowers
He's also usually considered to be a street-level hero, he's mopping up the gangster and ordinary (by comics standards anyway, around hells kitchen, but usually doesn't go too far beyond that (varying by writer, storyline, etc. of course, nothing is absolutely so in comics)
His villains, overall, tend to be relatively run of the mill gangsters, assassins, etc. just dialed up to 11 because that's what sells comics. Kingpin isn't really out to take over the world, he's just out to run a criminal empire. The hand is mostly similar with some magic thrown in. They're not the biggest existential threats to earth or the marvel universe as a whole, daredevil is mostly just dealing with whatever crimes are threatening his part of New York.
Arguably, he does just as much good with a wider impact as a lawyer given the types of clients and cases he takes on.
the last line makes it sound like daredevil is a good choice of a non super powered hero