Wives Earning More Than Husbands Linked To Rising Mental Health Diagnoses In Couples
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This is really sad, tbh.
I personally would be freaking stoked. Would love to be a stay at home hubs, too.
oh yeah but I would not want that much pressure on my wife. Would want to make enough to at least get us by in a pinch.
It's genuinely upsetting. The option to be a house wife/husband is becoming rarer. Everyone needs to work to provide enough for the household. House hubbies are lucky men.
Dude, me too, and I would kill at it.
Sadly, based on skills and the job market where we're at, I can make more working.
Same. My skillset and interests align with being a house spouse, not making money. Single tho, and trying to make a beautiful home while working full time leads to many compromises
That's what we found out.
My wife enjoys her work, finds it rewarding, etc. etc. and has never been really content as a homemaker. My job is alright, but I don't feel any real passion for it, and I don't need a work atmosphere or to be around a lot of people to stay engaged. I'm happy just keeping things organized and running smoothly in my own little corner of the world.
I make just a little less than we need for her to stay home, and she makes peanuts in comparison.
It really hacks me off. She works in education, what she does is far more important to the well-being of society than what I do. If our paychecks were reversed, and they honestly should be reversed, I'd be happy to stay home or work part time but it's just not financially feasible.