Pixel Dungeon
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In the Holy Time UI, have you consider swapping the function of long-press and the Info button? For me, it feel's much more intuitive to long-press a spell to read the description, and then you could make the button let you add a spell to the quick cast.
There are a couple other times in the game when long-pressing an item brings up its description since simply tapping would select it: the sell UI and the alchemy UI. This is why I keep wanting to long-press a spell to read it's description.
The other thing I keep doing is simply tapping a spell to read it, like a dummy, thinking the UI should be like scrolls in your inventory. It would be even more intuitive to make the spells work like scrolls in inventory, but that would be too many taps: open the book, tap a spell, then tap "cast". Yeah, too many taps.
I suppose once I get used to all of the spells, I won't have to use the Info button any more, but for now, it's kinda awkward.
genrally long-press is used for info if there isn't any other associated action. For instance you can long-press in the inventory to assign an item to the first empty quickslot, which is consistent wtih this new spell UI.
As you mentioned, the main reason it's done thia way is to minize taps for more experienced users. Info is a separate mode as the game is expecting you to mostly just use that once when first learning about the spells.
Yeah, that all makes sense. Thanks for listening and replying.
To fix this problem you could also do this: Let the info be a hold and for quick slotting, when you are selecting your target, to show on the popup that informs you that you are aiming to add another button on that same popup, a quick slot button. I find it natural and the solution that requires the least amount of taps, too. For inventory effects the button could be next to the inventory text. Instant effects are a bit more complicated, but my idea is that, when used, the quick use icon of the effect you just used would pop up, maybe on a color other than blue, that when touched opens a pop up asking if you wish to assign the spell as a quick slot. If rejected, would dissapear. The other colored icon would remain for only one turn. This icon may too have the least priority of them all, appearing on top of all other quick actions.