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So, a while back we used to try to leave our hangar only to suddenly blow up as we got through the hangar entrance because of server desync issues.
You probably already know this, but for anyone else who doesn't: The client (your computer) acknowledged the takeoff request, but the server either did not receive it, or it was too bogged down with other requests and it didn't get around to it yet.
To you, the hangar door looked open.
To the server, the hangar door was still closed.
So, when you tried to take off, you would get halfway through the hangar exit only for the server to register that you had smashed into some invisible hangar doors that the server thought were still closed.
Their solution to this problem was to double layer the hangar doors. One layer will only open for the client, the other layer will only open for the server.
Most likely what's happening is the servers are getting hammered by the sudden influx of new users all wanting to see Pyro for the first time and they just can't keep up with all the requests. It's good test data for them because they can see where new bottlenecks are, it just sucks to get caught up in it for a bit.
Give it a day or two and things should calm down. They will also be turning on some EU servers in the next few days (right now everything in the EPTU is running on USA servers) and that should help to lighten the load.
If it is a server load issue, it’s definitely something they’re going to need to clear up before LIVE. That said I’m having a hard time thinking that’s it, cuz shard pops were pretty low. ~300 at the start and dropping as I kept trying.
It's likely more of an issue with individual server populations rather than shard populations. I was watching some streams with people with display info on showing their shard and auth server, and one in pyro was sitting at like 5-8 server fps vs. Area18 at 22-28 server fps, both in the same shard.