this post was submitted on 06 Dec 2024
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So, I've started the Witcher 3 last week and will continue playing. I just arrived on the second map - Velen or something like that.
It's certainly not the generational masterpiece everyone made it out to be. In fact it is really janky. Luckily, it's just the kind of jank I was raised on and enjoy - games like Gothic and Risen.
My two biggest gripes are combat and dialogues. Combat just doesn't feel good, in fact I never played Witcher 3 until now because the combat in Witcher 2 was that bad. Luckily, the open world structure lends itself more to the Witcher power fantasy of optimizing combat out of the game by over-prepping (mind you, I've played both games on the hardest difficulty). As for dialogues, what's there is actually good. It's just that almost nobody talkes to you.
In conclusion, it's fun. There are no deal breakers, yet judging by the first area, it does not surpass its inspiration. However, I'm expecting things to get much more interesting later on since everyone was going on about the quality of the side quests. I did everything and so far they were quite basic.
Well, it's an old game. I enjoyed the game thoroughly, though I do agree that the game feels a bit over hyped to me. Which is not to say that it isn't great. But it didn't feel like as big of a leap as everyone made it seem.
As for side quests, yeah, while most of side content is just kill this or bring that, there are some pretty good side-quests in there.