this post was submitted on 12 Nov 2024
327 points (93.1% liked)

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[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago (1 children)

You’re interpreting “hey, this word you used is contrary to the rest of your argument - are you sure about your argument?” in a confrontational manner. Hence the question mark, and not something like “dumbass, Bernie was talking about the working class smh”. Hence the definition copypasta, because you (seemingly) conflated working class with middle class.

I can go back and absolutely re-read my post through the lens of condescension instead of a question, but so far you’re the only one who’s maintained an insulting tone.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

"!You’re interpreting “hey, this word you used is contrary to the rest of your argument - are you sure about your argument?” in a confrontational manner. "

that is not what you wrote.

I'm interpreting what you wrote as confrontational because you wrote a completely different confrontational statement than your pretend-quote above.

despite the OP writing about the working class, me responding with the phrase"working class", pointing out three specific working class issues biden improved, linking an article titled "working class", you wrote:

"So you agree with Bernie that he wasn’t helping the working class?

middle class 


  1. The socioeconomic class between the working class and..."

trying your hardest to ignore the post, comment, all of the context clues and available information so you could focus on a typo to come to an incorrect conclusion you could hold up with a pedantic flourish via boldtype and a definition.

you are being obnoxious, pedantic and confrontational.

If you were confused, you could have written:

"did you mean "working class"?

you wrote middle class."

instead, you went to the trouble of puzzling out a clearly incorrect conclusion despite all of the direct and contextual evidence, add boldtype unnecessarily, and very obnoxiously attach a definition to a phrase I'm obviously very familiar with since I'm talking about it with familiarity, citing specific examples and an article.

"Hence the question mark"

adding a question mark doesn't mitigate how obnoxious your comments are.

you're deliberately trying to misunderstand something so that you can attack me based on a minor error that is easily remedied and understood despite, within the context of the fuller comment or post.

you seem very happy to 1. lie about your direct quotes 2. lie about your intention based on those quotes 3. continue to defend those false quotes rather than apologizing and admitting you acted poorly.

The logical conclusion for your behavior is that you're trying to extend an argument, despite you not having a leg to stand on.

you can keep trying to make things up, and I will keep not letting that fly.

"I can go back and absolutely re-read my post..."

don't hurt yourself, who knows if you can manage the burden of glancing... or heaven forbid, reading?

question mark, so it's not confrontational?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I’m disengaging bc this is going nowhere and besides, sidebar rules - stay on topic.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Good of you to remember that guideline after you strolled off on a tangent half a dozen irrelevant, make-believe comments thick.