this post was submitted on 06 Nov 2024
55 points (89.9% liked)

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[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 month ago

This is my perspective as a non american lefty looking in.

Stop fighting on minor issues. Support trans issues but don't spend time arguing or justifying or fighting on them. They are to minor and it's to easy for right wingers to make stuff up and drag the goal posts around making you look crazy.

Right wingers focus on a few issues that are simple to understand. The left needs to do this as well.

Economy - if there is a Republican in power spend all your time bitching about how bad the economy is regardless of reality. If a democrat is in constantly harp on how good the economy is and how our buying power is strong. Perception is reality at the end of day. Talk about how rich the country is but Americans don't see any of that wealth because of republican policies.

Maybe it's time to revive the American dream meme. Talk about building up cool infrastructure projects and new mega factories. Talk about creating jobs and building housing so everyone can own a house. Talk about expanding the legal immigration system so there is less people sneaking in and more people coming here to work legally. This would be a good place to start teaching about unions but dems hate unions so rip.

Environment - talk about climate change from the perspective of keeping the land healthy so future generations (kids) can enjoy it.

Also scrap any universally unpopular policy like being soft on violent crime/immigration, dei stuff, basically anything that involves showing compassion to a downtrodden person in society that the average American doesn't like. Also maybe call one of the European leaders a pussy just to drum up morale.