this post was submitted on 27 Oct 2024
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Finally got around to watching “Falcon and The Winter Soldier” and it would have been so much better if Isaiah Bradley’s story had been the first episode, or a stand-alone movie. Instead it’s just told in exposition. If you go read his backstory, it is a pillar of the F&WS plot. Disappointing that an interesting chapter of this universe is confusingly meted out in bits and pieces across episodes. Here’s hoping his “prequel” eventually gets told.

As an aside — am I really supposed to believe Falcon doesn’t get paid the big bucks and can’t afford to pay to fix up his sister’s boat?

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[–] Omegamanthethird 3 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I'm not defending the show. FatWS was not good.

I fucking loved that show. And it's weird that people have to get defensive about saying anything positive. I think it's legitimately a great show.

[–] themeatbridge 5 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I love comics and the movies based on them. I enjoyed the show, but I recognize it was flawed. My main complaint is that Falcon was the least interesting character, and they were clearly alluding to real life societal problems but fumbled the delivery because the bad guys have to be bad guys. It wasn't as bad as Secret Wars, but it wasn't as good as WandaVision, Loki, or Moon Knight.

[–] Omegamanthethird 4 points 3 months ago

I didn't think Moon Knight was particularly good. Just an interesting premise with some flashy imagery. WV was good in the middle, but it was slow to start and disappointing to end.

Loki was phenomenal for the first season, disappointing for the second.

I'll agree with you about Falcon not really being interesting himself, more interesting than the Flagsmashers though. I thought the societal stuff was handled well enough.

But the guest characters and their contrast with him was fantastic. John Walker in particular is an extremely interesting character. And I was surprised (and glad) that they left his character without condemnation from a narrative standpoint. Sam and Bucky is always fun. Zemo was a real treat. Sam learning to use the shield without enhancements was interesting.

I've seen complaints about his speech at the end and I don't get it. He's not there to tell them how to figure out the mess, there's multiple ways available. He's just there to provide a moral compass. It's not easy to come up with a resolution that works for everyone. But they should at least work towards a solution that's not cutthroat.