this post was submitted on 12 Oct 2024
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Outrage bait is obnoxious. Your kids aren’t going to be playing that one game you played 50 years ago. If they want to play it I’m sure there’s internet archive or they could pick it up for like $1
internet archive is literally right now under attack by hostile actors, which by all logic must be capitalists or governments who want to destroy the public library in favor of a paid and/or censored one.
we shouldnt trust that it will still exist in a few years the way the world is moving.
Confidently incorrect.
I like how you say that without citing any sources. You can be right, but there's no reason you're speculation is any better than someone else's.
I like how you didn't even spend 10 seconds to look up if there was information about the perpetrator of the Internet Archive hack.
There you go, good job. In the future, do that the first time.
In the future look it up yourself you lazy bum
In fairness, a lot of parents force their interests in their kids. That said, when my sister's husband wanted to force his kids to like Mario he had me set up an emulator rather than dig out an NES.
But yeah. People also overestimate how long hardware will last or what a mess playing decade old software is. Even when I want to play a chaos gate, I am jumping through enough hoops that I am not even starting from the big box.
I just use my hacked nintendo devices to force my son to Zelda and good old Pokemon 😂