joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 8 hours ago

It will be used for ads...as usual...

[–] [email protected] 3 points 9 hours ago* (last edited 9 hours ago)

Not warm at all except when charging with the super charger. This is for the edge 30 though, maybe 40 or 50 have different thermals since they have more powerful cpu.

I'm currently looking at edge 50 as a replacement but not sure which one to get. But not the ultra, very expensive and not worth it.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 19 hours ago

The performance of phones are almost irrelevant these days for most people. What matters is how they look, their battery time and if they have a good user experience without forced shitty apps.

Being slim is nice too because why not. :)

[–] [email protected] 7 points 19 hours ago (3 children)

I have an edge 30 pro and I'm super happy with it. There is no bloatware at all, default android experience, and great battery time.

I tend to recommend Motorola to people who care about those things.

[–] [email protected] 30 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (4 children)

If you are going to be upset about other people like this, you will be in a state of constant anger.

It's not your responsibility to control what people do or think. My advice is to let those people be who they are, while you focus on being the best you can be.

Keep the people you vibe with in your life, and let the others go. Meet your grandfather and just observe him. This is life showing you someone who is hateful, from the sound of it. It's just an example of who not to be, that's all it is. Learn from that and remain calm.

You can do it. :)

If you are in the right state of mind, you can even smile at horrible things he says, because it's just about him, not anyone else. You will start to view him as someone funny, like a child that messes up because they don't know better.

Don't fight people you don't agree with. Just say what you think, and leave. No need to argue at all.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago

Can you run this in a distributed manner, like with kubernetes and lots of smaller machines?

[–] [email protected] -2 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Is there a question to me anywhere in that long post about yourself? You think of yourself as a rational person, following advice from medical professionals and scientific research. But somehow you can't see why someone may not trust the vaccines on a personal level?

There are side effects from vaccines. I decided to get covid instead of risking those side effects. I had a mild cold for a few days, then it was over and never came back.

I had coworkers who got very sick after taking the vaccine. And several of them developed very weird issues with their body. When going to a doctor, the doctor said it was covid, not the vaccine.

So in short, I rather get infected with covid and let my body develop its own anti bodies than take the vaccine. Works very well so far.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

We share that view then! I also don't see myself as a bigot and I don't tolerate them. So we shouldn't waste each other's time. :)

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 days ago (4 children)

I guess you are referring to my comment about not trusting vaccines? That single comment got 300 downvotes or so. :) I think it shows very clearly that there is point discussing the topic.

Just the fact that you think it's crazy to not vaccinate is an absolute position with no room for discussing it at all.

So as a consequence, we don't discuss these things on Lemmy. Most people are happy about that. :) I'm just saying there are topics we don't discuss here. That can't be discussed. This is true. :)

[–] [email protected] -4 points 2 days ago (2 children)

You don't see yourself as a bigot I guess? Just other people. :)

[–] [email protected] -1 points 2 days ago (10 children)

Bigot means:

"a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his own"

This is exactly what we see on Lemmy when it comes to trans and vaccination topics. People are not tolerant of opinions different from their own.

[–] [email protected] -3 points 3 days ago

I still remember the 9/11 official story. It's a lot of fun to read.


Netflix execs needs a new jet.


Does this mean we dont get to be tracked, data mined, ad-bombed, and exploited while our teens dont get depressed and sick from "social" media?

Well, if thats the price we pay, thats the price we pay... :)


Julian Assange is free.

After living in a cell for more than 5 years, he can soon go home and meet his family again.

I'm wondering if it was worth the sacrifice. The governments and tech companies are spying more than ever on everyone.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/technology

I personally don't trust Snowden. Looking at the difference between how he was treated and how Assange was treated. One guy gets to rot in prison, other guy gets movies made about him from Hollywood. Snowden is very much controlled opposition in my mind.

But that being said, I think he is truthful about OpenAI. Which sucks, because now I and many others love using chat gpt.

It's possible to self host these things though. I read an article about it here:


But probably not worth the money for most people.


I think its not just kids anymore, it's adults too. Everyone is glued to their screens these days. But kids are more vulnerable to influences from "social" media and don't have any defences to the psychological warfare going on. Of course they feel like shit.


I think this is the perfect analogy for what's happening right now to the open web.

We are part of the Cosy Web here on Lemmy.. :)


This is actually pretty brilliant and innovative.

With other solutions, the "key" that re-enables distractions is always present. Brick allows you to leave that key behind, turning your phone into a new, distraction-free device until you return.

This tickles some part of my brain... The scanning part is so cool. Would you use an app like this?


This is a very entertaining and educational article, giving insights into the methods used by thiefs to try and get access to your phone data.

I don't like Apple but it's great that their security is so good when it comes to this.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This was a really good summary of what Rust feels like in my opinion. I'm still a beginner myself but I recognize what this article is saying very much.

The hacker news comments are as usual very good too:



Get your shorts ready, this will be very interesting to follow. Seems like the stock will appear tomorrow already?

I fully expect a nosedive in stock price but who knows. Maybe a pump and dump.

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