this post was submitted on 10 Oct 2024
-6 points (20.0% liked)

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What should we do after Harris/Walz is elected? I was wondering if you had some ideas. Here are mine:

  • Mass strikes in the workplace, demands being taxes for the rich and higher wages
  • Mass strikes in the military, demands being to end support for Israel, take away excessive military bases, shut down Gitmo, drastically reduce the budget, &c
  • Get as many people off the internet as possible
  • Get people arms and arms training so they can defend themselves without police, and heavily reduce police funding
  • Refuse to pay any landlords, lead attacks on real estate offices

Maybe some stuff would be extreme, but I ask you please to separate the wheat from the chaff, along with adding your own material. I may not be that smart, but at least I'm preparing.

(If you want to remember to vote, set yourself a timer like everyone else with memory issues. It should go ding on the day you get your ballot!)

I also feel kinda hazy

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[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

JFC You had to jinx it.