[GAMEDAY] Saturday, September 8, 2024 (Texas @ Michigan, El Assico, CU @ NU, and others)
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Here for CU @ NU. Flu shot yesterday is making me feel like shit and I want to feel hype but will settle for sitting upright. gbr
I am here for anybody playing CU. Deion is not a good person, and doesn't even have the courtesy to limit the damage to football players like your average sociopath coach.
"So this is the Nebraska football my dad is always talking about" sign. I'm here for it.
Real impressed with what I've seen from Raiola so far. Future looking bright for y'all
I'm very impressed so far too, but somehow I'm even more thankful that I never have to see Jeff Sims again.
Is this start for real or am I in a fever dream?
Looks real to me! Go 'skers