this post was submitted on 06 Sep 2024
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[–] Uruanna 5 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (1 children)

That's actually a common trope. It may or may not be conscious from the writer.

If you WANT a character's radical ideas to seem evil (because you believe it is evil), you make that character kill puppies. There are various examples like the boss lady in The Devil Wears Prada, or Cruella, or Poison Ivy,, or Magneto who are clearly evil because they do clearly evil thing, but they have a line here or a point there that actually makes a lot of sense, but since the character is obviously evil because of all the other puppy-kicking they do, that radical idea is of course evil too.

And sometimes, someone makes a YouTube analysis on why Magneto or Poison Ivy are actually kinda right in their social message - but that's crazy talk, because who would side with Magneto when he wants mutant supremacy? With Poison Ivy who wants to kill all humans?

[–] Feathercrown 3 points 4 months ago

I'm a poison ivy and magneto apologist