this post was submitted on 30 Aug 2024
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Finished Borderlands 3. Still have quite a few side quests left, but have played it enough. Was thinking about Platinum previously, but don't want to play 20-30 more hours just for trophies. Maybe if it had a really good narrative, which it doesn't.

Started Greedfall. It's a AA-ish RPG by Spider. The world building is interesting, and story and quests aren't bad. There are different factions and how you do the quest you can improve or worsen your relations with them. You can use stealth, or direct combat, or even talk your way through them.

Where I am currently, I haven't gotten any quest that will improve my relation with faction at the cost of worsening it with another (though there were ones where I could choose different faction, and improve my relation with them), but I am still very early in the game.

The weakest part is the combat. You have 3 classes, and you can select upto 2 companions, all of who are of different factions and different classes. The combat itself isn't that great though. While it is serviceable it would've been pretty much unacceptable if it was released today. Have played some 5-6 hours yet, so things may open up a more.

Reached Episode 4 of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All.

Episode 3/4 spoilerIt was really cool to see Edgeworth again. I mean I knew he wasn't dead because there are games released after this one that has him, but still it was nice to see him again.

Didn't get to play Trails in the Sky: Second Chapter last week, but will give it some time this one. On a related note, really excited about the remake! Still going to finish it, but going to play the remake too. Probably not at launch, but soon-ish.

What about all of you? What have you been playing?

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[–] slimerancher 1 points 6 months ago

Congratulations on finishing that 10HP run!

Ah, hope no body spoil anything about Danganronpa even now, as I still have to play the whole series.

I played original Tomb Raider games when I was a kid and enjoyed them a lot. I have been thinking about revisiting them with the remaster collection that was recently released, since I don't remember anything about those now. I have only played the first game in the reboot, didn't realise it was from 2013, I guess I should stop delaying rest of the series and play them now.