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How to delete Epic Games Account
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Haha I refuse to download the epic store. I love the expanse and was heartbroken when the telltale game was a timed epic exclusive, and I still didn't download it.
Sure steam is a monopoly, but they haven't been too much of a dickhead, whereas I just don't like Tim Sweeney and have no desire to go out of my way to enrich him
Valve has allowed me to play almost every game I own on Linux without any setup or trouble. Epic has kept me from legally playing games this way through their exclusivity. I'll never open an account there.
Yep, I am a Linux user and a Linux gamer, Tim Sweeney being a huge dick about Linux gaming while Valve has done a ton to help definitely is the main reason.
I am embarrassed though, I got so tired of still fighting with Linux gaming that I built a hypervisor and I run windows as a vm to game 😞.
I mean, you probably take a performance hit vs. Proton, but it's still a valid way of making it work.
I got GPU passthrough working and bought beefy hardware so it feels nice and smooth :)
It was worth it though to be able to play with my windows friends without telling them I'd try to make it run on proton
How is steam a monopoly? The existence of so many competitors would indicate otherwise.
That's fair. I am probably parroting stuff I hear about the play store or the apple store. Before epic I don't know many big players steam had to compete with. How much revenue does Gog make compared to valve for instance?
I don't know. That's not relevant to the definition of a monopoly. To be a monopoly you need to be the only supplier of a product or service. If there's competition, but you have the majority of market share, then you're merely dominating the market, which is not illegal (or even necessarily a bad thing, as evidenced by Steam).
Google Play and Apple store are monopolies because they are not competitors to each other, if you own a phone you're stuck with one or the other with no choices. They also take steps to prevent competition, which is highly illegal.
Steam is pretty much a monopoly because I expect something like 90% of pc game sales go through them. The thing is that being a monopoly is not necessarily bad, or illegal. It is abusing your monopolistic power to exploit consumers that is. Steam doesn't generally seem to do that
See my other comment. You appear to have confused a monopoly with a dominant market position.
Oh yes I see it now. You posted it right after my response. And I do agree with what you say there. I however do believe that the destinction between a true monopoly and a dominant market position such as steam has is essentially irrelevant in this context. In a market economy you would expect very few (or even no ? ) true monopolies except those run by the state. And not being a true monopoly doesn't stop dominant firms from being able exploit monopolistic powers.
However my point is that steam doesn't exploit it's market position while it could definitely choose to. On that we seem to agree I think
You should at least make an account and claim the weekly free game(s). Epic still pays the devs for every free game taken.
This is the only valid excuse I have seen. I didn't realize they paid per redemption. I'm still not gonna give him the numbers though
I'm very grateful to the epic store. They gave away A Plague Tale: Innocence a while back and it ended up being one of my favorite games of all time. I bought the sequel on steam, of course.