this post was submitted on 12 Jul 2024
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I remember THIS was the game Nintendo chose to bring over instead of Mother 3, and i’ll never not criticize them for it
Mother 3 released in 2004. In America, those were the post 9/11 years. America was on a trend of heightened racism at that time. Hate thoughts towards outsiders were growing. Violence based on being "not from around these parts" was on the rise.
And you wanted Nintendo at that time to release a game that heavily features trans characters, as a sequal to one of their biggest bombs of a generation, at a time when gay acceptance was on the rise....but not yet at levels you could call "accepted"?
I understood why Nintendo didn't release the game back then once I played it. I understand why they won't release it now. I feel like they COULD HAVE released it around 2019 if they had made the rumored Game Boy Classic.....but it would have to feature GBA games. That would have been the right time.
But, now we're back into a time period of trans hate being on the rise. So the moment has passed. Maybe there will be another moment in the future, but we're already talking about a 20+ year old game, that Nintendo cares so little about that they did nothing to prevent the translation, or the rom from being distributed. Which I feel was a choice. Nintendo typically goes after any rom distribution even if they have no plans to do anything with the IP. Here they were saying "We don't give a shit. Pirate away."
Plus, I feel like all the people who wanted to play this, already have. And the rest have zero nostolgia for it, as it was never released here.
So, thats a lot of words to essentially say "I get it....I don't like the lack of a release.....but I get it."
Yeah you’re probably right. Sucks such a great game is bogged down by fear of upsetting biggots though…. after all, who cares what they think, they’re not the target audience.