this post was submitted on 26 Jun 2024
338 points (97.5% liked)

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Anakin Padme meme:

Anakin: I will use agile to plan my project
Padme: 2-3 sprints ahead right?
Padme: 2-3 sprints ahead right?

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[–] [email protected] 21 points 4 days ago (3 children)

Every dev loves agile until they have to have a conversation with the users.

Bias on show : trad PM from the past .

[–] [email protected] 20 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

As a dev, I think agile works best when there's an ongoing conversation with the users, and I usually have to fight with management to get to speak to those actual users.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 4 days ago

Tru dat. Agile product management is not the same as agile project management. Agile Project Management is about the ability to figure and changes things along the lines of the predetermined cost and time path (e.g. figuring out features required along the way), not about the agility to prolong/shorten product value proposition time to market.

[–] marcos 3 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Do your scrum-using organization put users at the development process?!? I don't think I've seen any Agile¹ organization doing that.

1 - The one with capital "A", that is an antonym of the one with lower cap "a".

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Users can be like clients too though.

[–] marcos 2 points 2 days ago

That's a remarkable coincidence!

Anyway, yes, it's not disallowed or impossible.