this post was submitted on 22 Jun 2024
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This is mainly directed towards those who have many and broad interests, who have somehow found a way to balance all of them more or less equally.

How do you manage to balance all of your interests that are so equal from each other? As somebody who plans to become a psychologist but is also interested in ethology, zoomorphology, archeology, and fashion history, how can I possibly engage in all of these things? Study independent courses? Watch Youtube videos on the subjects?

It just feels like there’s so little time but so much to do and explore.

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[–] AppaYipYip 1 points 5 days ago (1 children)

So if you are in school or going back to school for psychology then I recommend just focusing on your degree and maybe take elective classes in your side interests when you have time. I didn't study psychology but my major was really labor intensive and I needed all the time I could to study and work on projects. However, I did take a fun forensics class as an elective that is still one of my all time favorite classes since I loved CSI.

After you graduate and get a steady job, you'll have more time to focus on your interests. I schedule out my week and take classes at a local school after work in things that interest me. Then weekends I dedicate to family/friend time. I also watch YouTube videos in my free time.

As many people have mentioned kids, its good to note that I don't have kids at this time. I plan to have kids in the future and am aware that my night classes will have to end when I do. However that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make because I really want kids. I just hope that one day I'll be able to share my hobbies with future kids or enjoy what hobbies they are interested in.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 days ago

Thanks for sharing this! It’s appreciative to know there are people who actually can balance work and their hobbies.