this post was submitted on 09 Jun 2024
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From forming bound states to normal scattering, many possibilities abound for matter-antimatter interactions. So why do they annihilate? There’s a quantum reason we simply can’t avoid.

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[–] [email protected] 14 points 2 weeks ago (18 children)

I'm a smoothbrain, so I like to think about it as them simply canceling each other out. What I'm more curious about though, is why there's so much matter compared to antimatter.

[–] m3t00 1 points 1 week ago

annihilation results in a large energy release. so nothing is actually disappearing. changing form maybe. I'm guessing at the big bang matter/anti-matter went opposite directions and we just can't see that half. not speculating about symmetry. just a large amount of anti-matter beyond observational light-speed limits. speculation

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