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Replaying Super Robot Wars V!
The original plan for the week was to continue Senren * Banka, but I got this game on the mail during the week, decided to try it for a just a bit... and remembered how I'm hopelessly addicted to this series.
For those unfamiliar with the series, Super Robot Wars games are turn-based strategy RPGs where units from several mecha anime band together, so you can have the Evangelions teaming with Gundams and Daitarn 3 against common foes, with really cool attack animations and a crazy crossover plot mixing elements of all the series involved.
It's a very old series, the first game was released in the 90's for the original B&W Gameboy, but while there are over 50 games in the series almost none of them were released in the west due to the complex licensing involved. But luckily for the english-speaking audience since the PS4 they started released Asian "multi-language" versions of these games, so we can finally enjoy them properly.
I had already played this game on the PS4, but could not resist a recent sale and double-dipped so I now have the Switch version as well. Decided to use the female protagonist (Chitose) for this replay since I love her themes, and I'm currently around Stage 20.
I have heard about these games a lot, but never got around to getting them. Didn't even know they weren't available for West, so maybe that's why.
Will check out some videos and see if I should order a physical copy.
There's 4 of them on the Switch/PS4, and all of them have an Asian/English version.
I personally rank them in this order: V > T > X> 30, but I always recommend people trying these games to look into which anime/mecha series are included on each and get whichever has more series you like.
You can find this information (along with a lot more) on the Akurasu Wiki.
Cool, thanks for the info!