this post was submitted on 13 Jun 2024
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apparently my city literally literally banned public rail funding, and people online love jerking off about how good biking is, so i figured might as well try. I have come up with:


  • good for mental health / exercise / endorphins
  • arguably quaint
  • feel like an old timey guy taking his wares to market
  • feel european
  • can annoy others
  • less of a police state around them vs cars
  • more flexible parking, routes
  • capacity to be peaceful
  • nice in summer


  • look like an annoying dork (esp w neon - which also hurts the quaint factor)
  • have to wear a helmet (^)
  • getting sweaty, potentially "unpresentable" for work
  • still have to find safe parking
  • still takes a while
  • have to find new routes to places
  • can't listen to music or might die
  • little meaningful protection against severe injury
  • can only carry so many groceries/etc
  • sucks in winter
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[–] Bahalex 39 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (43 children)

Rebuttals to a few of the cons:

  • don’t dress like an ‘annoying dork’- unless that’s your vibe, no need to change anything to ride a bike.
  • you don’t ‘have’ to wear a helmet. Though there are some less bulky, big, or wherever this cons comes from. Probably best to wear one.
  • no need to go fast and work up a sweat, or e-bike as other have mentioned. There may be financial rebates available. Other commuter tips include: bring extra clothes, and wet wipes to clean up once getting to.
  • until a matter transporter comes along, it takes time to go anywhere.
  • you get to find new routes. Find new shops, new neighborhoods, new parks. Feel like a part of you community. Not locked in a metal box or tube.
  • bone conduction headphones, or other non noise canceling headphones
  • there are bikes, racks and bags in any combination that can carry all sorts of groceries.
  • no bad weather, only bad gear. I’d say heat of summer is worse than winter.
[–] XeroxCool -5 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

there are bikes, racks and bags in any combination that can carry all sorts of groceries.

Paper and liquid products are not cooperative with two-wheeled transportation, so there's still a tangible limit

[–] Bahalex 7 points 2 weeks ago

Where there is no will, there is no way.

If it’s a Costco monthly trip, no. On your carbon road bike, no. Full suspension downhill bike, no. Holding a 2liter bottle of Shasta Cola and three rolls of TP? Rethink some things.

If you know it’s going to be a utility bike, yea. Easily done. If it’s a zippy get about thing, consider a little trailer for the hauling trips- buy used, even the old ones roll fine.

I’ve been going for about a year, with two panniers and a front rack, for weekly groceries for a family of 3. Milk, eggs, toilet paper, no problem. Back when Mission Workshop just split off from Timbuk2 I got their expand-o Marry Poppins backpack (the rambler)which is awesome- though I wouldn’t buy it at the current price (eye watering)…it does fit A LOT, like 12kg bags of dog food and still has room. It can carry the weirdest things.

The worst part is getting the panniers up the flight of stairs to our apartment…which would be the same struggle regardless of transportation.

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