Pixel Dungeon
This community is a place to talk strategies, tell stories, or discuss anything related to Pixel Dungeon or its many versions.
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You can't spin it more than 3 times.
Like the other person said, you get a few turns before the spinning wears off, so you can spin up while an Evil Eye is charging his laser while you're behind a corner, and even if he takes an extra turn or two to actually fire it, you'll be OK and can still smack him in the eye for a ton of damage. If you need even more turns for some reason, you can spin once, wait a couple turns, spin again, etc. Each spin resets the timer.
It's one of my favorite duelist abilities. The guaranteed hit is what makes the Flail usable. It's too inaccurate otherwise and can't surprise attack. I often augment the Flail for damage and only use it to kill solo enemies. At a high upgrade level it will one-shot everything in the game. I often pretend I'm sneak attacking by waiting behind a door. There's no point in doing that, but it makes me chuckle.
I'm using it this way now. It's really good. i've got a scimitar for the sword dance ability for general mob smashing
Nice! I had Scimitar with Speed augmented Stone Gauntlets. It was hilariously good. I could hit 6 times in one turn and then finish then off with Combo if needed, which was rare.
Fuck, I died 3 floors from the top. I'm so disappointed. It was a great run til the scorpions