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/c/StarTrek: Your safe harbored Spacedock in these Stellar Seas!

Fire up the inertial dampeners, retract all moorings and clear space dock. It's time to boldy go where no one has gone before!

~ 1. Be Civil. This is a Star Trek community and lets keep that energy. Be kind, respectful and polite to one another.

~ 2. Be Courteous. Please use the spoiler tags for any new Trek content that's been released in the past month. Check this page for lemmy formatting) for any posts. Also please keep spoilers out of the titles!

~ 3. Be Considerate. We're spread out across a lot of different instances but don't forget to follow your instances rules and the instance rules for

founded 11 months ago

I’m personally not watching it (you could call me a bit of a disco “hater” and s4 really kinda bummed me out) … but thought I’d see how people are enjoying it and think about getting a paramount subscription.

Asked some friends and they said they’d stopped watching. Then I checked here and the other community and posts about the episodes just seem to be tepid compared to what I would have expected.

Now obviously I’ve got a bias (and I really don’t want to start kicking the show) … but am I reading this right or wrong?


Episode Information

No. Episode Written By Directed By Release Date
5x04 Face the Strange Sean Cochran Lee Rose 2024-04-18

Where to Stream Star Trek


These are housed in the Museum of Pop Culture (MoPOP) in Seattle


See yall at the Bell riots this September. Maybe afterwards we can fix all these damn potholes.

Ho-Ho-Hit it! (
submitted 2 months ago by FlyingSquid to c/startrek

For sale later this year from Hallmark!

You finally made it (self.startrek)
submitted 2 months ago by sir_pronoun to c/startrek

Alright, your propaganda here over the past months has worked. I want to get into Star Trek. Where do I start? Can I take an abbreviated tour? Or do I need to go to TOS?


It looks like the upcoming Lower Decks season will be the last one 😭😭 I didn't have any expectations for this show but it has quickly grown to be one of my favorites. I'll miss it

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/startrek

Episode Information

No. Episode Written By Directed By Release Date
5x03 Jinaal Kyle Jarrow & Lauren Wilkinson Andi Armaganian 2024-04-11

Where to Stream Star Trek


Episode Information

No. Episode Written By Directed By Release Date
5x01 Red Directive Michelle Paradise Olatunde Osunsanmi 2024-04-04
5x02 Under The Twin Moons Alan McElroy Doug Aarniokoski 2024-04-04

Where to Stream Star Trek

Today we embark on the final season of Discovery. I’m going make a simple request: whether you love it, hate it, or are ambivalent about it, it would make me so happy if everyone could just be cool. Online discussions about Discovery tend to devolve into circlejerks or two minute hates, and some see the latter in particular as justification to moderate the places where these discussions happen with a heavy hand.

I’m not interested in that kind of community. Online discussions are healthier when everyone is respectful and moderators only need to employ a light touch. So in the words of an ace pilot from another great sci-fi show: I am a friendly, okay? We're all friendlies. So, let's just... be friendly.


Further speculation and erstwhile hope: might a time displaced Trip possibly appear?

edit: so, upon getting home, there is now an update to at least part of the film's content taking place during the "Lost Era"

From Memory Alpha: The "Lost Era" concept was developed by Pocket editor Marco Palmieri, who defined it as the period of history between the apparent death of James T. Kirk aboard the Enterprise-B in 2293 and the launch of the Enterprise-D in 2363 .

So now if nothing else, we have the inclusion of a younger Captain Rachel Garrett of "Yesterday's Enterprise" fame.


While going down the rabbit hole on IMDB, I decided to look at Mark Allen Shepherd, the actor for Morn's credits. 4. Just 4 and 3 of them are uncredited as Morn across the golden age Trek shows. Technically, there's a fifth as the bar patron who sits in Morn's chair in "Who Mourns for Morn?," but that's just the same actor without makeup. The last is some film called "Babylon Vista" which, based on the cover, looks like a low budget soft-core porn disguised as an indie comedy. No trailer, no pictures, no reviews (despite the 8.0/10 rating), and no box-office. Best guess is that it was slapped together and shelved for the sake of recouping losses like WB has been prone to do of late. Altogether weird shit.


In TOS, the Enterprise encounters Trelaine, the self-titled Squire of Gothos. A seemingly omnipotent being that toys with the crew for his own amusement.

In TNG, the enterprise encounters Q, a seemingly omnipotent being that toys with the crew for his own amusement.

Trelaine was a child of his species and Q was an adult, but they had a similar "humans are toys" attitude. Q's came with an added cynicism that you might expect from an adult of Trelaine's species.

It has been pointed out that Trelaine seemed to rely on technology, which allowed Kirk to defeat him. But Q also always gave his playthings a chance one way or another and, again, Trelaine was a child.

So was Trelaine a Q? Was he from a different god-like species?

And here's a real curveball for you- Was Trelaine a child Organian?


He also ended up living in a trailer in a field after Star Trek was cancelled.

He can be arrogant and a jerk, but he's nothing if not charming.

I'd also like the number of his plastic surgeon.

Re-enactment starts around 9 minutes... definitely a better line reading than what was in Generations.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/startrek

With the benefit of 11 years of hindsight, lets talk about Star Trek Into Darkness. Cards on the table: I don't like this movie at all. It's probably my least favorite Star Trek story across the entire canon.

While this movie was being promoted, no one would confirm that Cumberbatch was Khan despite rampant speculation. He's not even introduced as Khan, for the first half of the movie he's "John Harrison," and the Khan reveal is played as a big dramatic moment.

JJ Abrams' entire shtick is that he crafts "mystery boxes." So... is that it? Is Star Trek Into Darkness just a mystery box where the identity of the villain is the mystery, and Abrams & co. just worked backwards from there?

Lets be generous and say that's not it: Into Darkness had something to say. We have a conspiracy, a rogue admiral, an automated super-warship, the death of a mentor... it seems like we can pull something out of here, right?

... right?


David Carson was not the most accomplished feature film director. He only directed one minor film before Generations, so maybe he wasn't the best choice... but he did direct four episodes of TNG- including Yesterday's Enterprise- and four episodes of DS9 before filming Generations, so I think he had a pretty good understanding of what makes a Star Trek movie.

Maybe Bill is just not the actor he thinks he is.


“Everybody thinks if you're an actor, and certainly if you're an actor and on a television series, you must be doing very well,” Koenig said. “Well, I was barely making more than minimum the first season. The second season I was on the show … I had a contract. I was paid a week's wage whether I worked a day or a week. So I made a little bit more. Whereas I made $10,000 for the whole year in 1967, I made $11,000 in 1968. Well, that'll only go so far.”


I can imagine a show without a doctor. But in all the shows the doctor plays a big role.

I'm trying to think this back and McKoy was such a brilliant character I can see that starting the entire trend. I'm unsure if there was a trend in TV before that for a medical doctor. Anyone know?

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