I think technically that makes sense in-universe, but it is indeed a terrible design. If the flashback had a T-51 with something classic like the Fallout 1 assault rifle I would have done the pointing at the screen meme.
The fact that it wasn't T-51 in the flashback really bugged me.
There it is.
And some ordnance nerds like digging into the details of exactly what it is.
Oh, might want to take a second pass on the post title.
I think for a business it is an issue of starting investment. Injection plastic molding, like with the WWSD, requires injection plastic molding machines, molds, supporting hardware (cooling, thermal controllers, material feeding setups, some method of robotic takeout system), and technicians familiar with various parts of the molding and automation process. 3D printing can be done to fill orders and with a lot less up-front investment in hardware. If it goes bust, the cost of 3D printers is way lower of a loss.
Thanks. I want more people here and painting!
Davin Felth, my man!
The medallion is also cursed.
I've done traditional DIY mold casting using ProCreate putty and found it suitable, if that material is in your budget. I have used a little bit of mineral oil inside the mold as a release agent. For me the most success has come from letting the material sit in the mold two or three times longer than you think it should take to be fully dry.
Ah yes, the elusive they.