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Welcome to the Minecraft community on Lemmy and Kbin!

The home for all posts related to the Minecraft franchise: from the classic game to the mobile ports, mods, adventure games, merchandise and similar!

Official Lemmy.world server available!

Lemmy.world hosts an official server that welcomes all players to contribute and have fun:

Minecraft Version: 1.20.x

Address: minecraft.lemmy.world

Please make sure you read our rules before posting.


Rules can be clicked on to be expanded.

1: Treat all users with respect.

Bullying, threathening, doxxing, or toherwise hostile behaviors with any of our users will not be tolerated. Be civil, have fun.

2: Posts must be related to the Minecraft franchise.

This includes the main game, titles like Dungeons, fan art, wiki pages, toys, new feature votes, and similar content.

3: No advertising.

If you want to share a product you're a manufacturer or seller of, please contact the moderation team first. Affiliate links to online shopping stores or affiliate coupon codes are not allowed.

4: No piracy.

Links or discussions about cracked versions of games, unauthorized copies of copyrighted material and other similar piracy-related content are not allowed.

5: No NSFW or adult content.

This community is inclusive to users of all ages. Keep in mind Minecraft attracts children and adults alike. Therefore, no NSFW content is allowed.

6: No low-effort meme content.

Memes are allowed, and so are comics or other fan creations. However, low-effort reposts and otherwise overused memes will be removed.

Reddit reposts are allowed.

Reddit reposts are allowed, but you need to include the tag [Reddit] in the title.

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founded 2 years ago

Hi, I recently re-installed minecraft after a long time not playing it. I'm using Manjaro linux as OS, which is different from the Linux distro I used in the past to play minecraft (I think it was Ubuntu). I have my old worlds (from v1.16) saved under ~/.minecraft/saves and I hoped they would appear again in the new installation after restoring this folder, but this isn't the case. Also, I created a new world in the new installation but it doesn't appear in the ~/.minecraft/saves folder. Where should I look for it? Is the location of the minecraft folder changed with the new releases?


So I wanted to give carpet skyadditions a try after watching a couple videos from Ilmango. However, while I agree with him about not using the Oak tree at the start, I really dislike the orange tint of Acacia. How would I go about changing it to say..spruce?

I know I can join in creative break the Oak down, plant and bonemeal a spruce and rejoin normally, however that messes up my advancements. Any way to reset them completely? Also, i see one of the first advancements is to get an oak log. Do I need a custom datapack to change it to spruce log?


So I wanted to give carpet skyadditions a try after watching a couple videos from Ilmango. However, while I agree with him about not using the Oak tree at the start, I really dislike the orange tint of Acacia. How would I go about changing it to say..spruce?

I know I can join in creative break the Oak down, plant and bonemeal a spruce and rejoin normally, however that messes up my advancements. Any way to reset them completely? Also, i see one of the first advancements is to get an oak log. Do I need a custom datapack to change it to spruce log?


You can just plop a bed down wherever and sleep through the night in peace. Apparently this has been the case for over a decade, and all those temporary shelters I made were completely unnecessary.


I've been playing block game for 10 years. This is my dumbest moment ever.


I cannot for the life of me find some mobs that are making sounds around my base. I've stripped mined for like 30 minutes, and I'm over it 😅

I then spent another 15 minutes trying to figure out why the /effect ... glowing command wasn't working, only to realize that Bedrock doesn't have glowing...

What're my options at this point?


Would you guys be interested in playing this?




not mine, but it was certainly an amazing experience watching that, thank you Youtube for recommending me

I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of that video.


Unable to upload the video directly to Lemmy, I'm testing the ability to include it from Imgur!


Let me know what you guys think. You can also use this website to test out your own combinations https://minetrim.com/

A Cosy Tavern (feddit.uk)
submitted 2 years ago by [email protected] to c/minecraft

13 Free Bedrock Worlds (www.planetminecraft.com)
submitted 2 years ago by abrightmoore to c/minecraft

I've made 13 of my Marketplace Bedrock worlds available for free. They are listed over on my PlanetMinecraft page (Linked).

  • Fun with Fractals
  • Space Station Z
  • Fly Spy
  • Star Block
  • Spells
  • Arena PvP Citadel
  • Lucky Dice Land
  • 1000 Blocks
  • Domino
  • Micro City
  • Lockyblocks Land
  • Mapcademy
  • G-Force Factory

There's a mix of CTM, adventures, toys, simulation, and survival spawn in there. Something for everyone!



Hi folks,

I introduced my daughter to Minecraft and we have both been playing a great deal on my PC (on Bedrock). I enjoy survival and creative modes but she is more into creative mode. I've just ordered a Steam Deck and am planning to install Minecraft on it (as I have learned, it would be Java which is fine). Here's what I was wondering:

I'd like to try playing multiplayer with her, each with our own character, and play together (one of us on the Steam Deck and one of us on the PC). We have not played at all online (she's only 7) and I am inexperienced with servers so forth. I'm looking for some advice on what the best setup is. Do we each need our own Minecraft account? Do we need to play on Realms or something like that? I'd like for us to be able to play creative or survival together. Is there some easy cool way to play together over the home network, sort of old school LAN style? Ideally I'd like for us to play alone together (I'm not ready to have my 7 year old daughter socializing online, I think).

Here's a blocky Santa she made last christmas! I hope this post is not painfully cringe or newby.

Minecraft is leaving Reddit (media.kbin.social)
submitted 2 years ago by chalumette to c/minecraft

I would love to share the timelapse of me building it and other screenshots of it, but I'm just getting my head around using Lemmy for the first time and it seems a bit buggy when uploading videos!

submitted 2 years ago by ja2 to c/minecraft

As always, I have a problem of a somewhat esoteric and technical nature. :P

I downloaded a theme park map for my kids to have fun on. The whole thing had been generated ultraflat, with a build height set at y=100. I wanted the world gen OUTSIDE the main theme park build area to be 1.20.1 normal overworld generation.

So, I managed to get all the chunks around the main area deleted in MCA Selector and outright removed all superfluous regions, then deleted level.dat to force the game to make new chunks based on default parameters. This worked really, really well - everything outside the theme park is totally great and the biome blending I have to say is pretty exceptional, given two major caveats.

First, most of the theme park would have been mostly in an ocean, and given that the base build height was set to y=100, biome blending is producing a very clear terraced stair-step effect all the way around. That's not a HUGE deal, but I would very much like to drag the base height down to y=64 if that's possible and bring all the content down with it, and retry the biome blending.

Second, because the chunks were generated with zero underground features, all chunks below the builds are dirt down to y=0, and then nothing (no deepslate / bedrock / etc) until you hit the edges where new chunks are made. This is problematic for obvious reasons. Bedrock would be OK, caves would be better, but I'm not sure why it's completely empty. My old worlds that I updated all the way through versions generated deepslate to bedrock from y=-64 to y=0.

Worst case scenario i can just get over the terrace problem, and use worldedit to fill in a bedrock layer and a bunch of deepslate, but I'd rather something more natural for my kids to destroy. :)

Looking for thoughts on this.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by kadu to c/minecraft

Hello Minecraft fans!

While this community was growing strong thanks to all of you dedicated fans, it looked like our founder hadn't logged into his account in a while - we had no icon, and no rules.

I've requested and have been granted moderation permissions to fill in this gap, and so we've introduced a new icon and a new set of rules. While I can't confirm anything, I've also been in contact with a moderator from the Minecraft subreddit and they might be joining us soon.

What does this mean for us?

This means this community is now ready to gather more users whilst making sure our standards of quality and safety are met, please feel free to continue posting. We will be promoting this community and attracting new users in several different channels, and I'll be taking suggestions for any threads, rules or content you want to see more around here.

Has /u/AutoModerator been removed?

Nope! They've created this community and I have zero intention of poaching content from other moderators. If they are just taking a break and comes back, I'll cooperate with their decisions and judgment going forward. But if they never come back, rest assured I'm not giving up on this.

Happy gaming!


Seed 3379350674664086568, coords in screenshot.

I love this game (lemmy.world)
submitted 2 years ago by CodyCannoli to c/minecraft

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