Health - Resources and discussion for everything health-related

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Health: physical and mental, individual and public.

Discussions, issues, resources, news, everything.

See the pinned post for a long list of other communities dedicated to health or specific diagnoses. The list is continuously updated.

Nothing here shall be taken as medical or any other kind of professional advice.

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Linked videos without original description context by OP to initiate healthy, constructive discussions will be removed.

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founded 1 year ago
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by little_cow to c/health

Resources gathered from , and

Thank you to: @[email protected] for the amazing Resource Collection Thread @[email protected] for the International HIV PReP @[email protected] for the Hair loss recovery for Transfems guide

Comment with your favorite resources I missed here, I plan to revisit and edit with additional resources as time goes on.

Crisis Lines
Trevor Project Connect to a LGBTQ understanding crisis counselor 24/7, 365 days a year, from anywhere in the U.S. It is 100% confidential, and 100% free.
Trans Lifeline Trans Lifeline’s Hotline is a peer support phone service run by trans people for our trans and questioning peers. Call us if you need someone trans to talk to, even if you’re not in crisis or if you’re not sure if you’re trans.
Suicide Hotlines and Prevention Resources Around the World Hotlines available internationally
RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) is the nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization. RAINN created and operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline (800.656.HOPE, &
LGBT Youth Hotline LGBT YouthLine is a *2SLGBTQ+ youth-led organization that affirms and supports the experiences of youth (29 and under) across Ontario.
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline The 988 Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States.


Trans Lifeline Resources More than just the hotline, they have a great page linking to many resources, including but not limited to... ID Change Library, Community-Based Crisis Support Resources, A Binding Guide for All Genders, Microgrants for some legal and medical fees, and much more you can easily search.

The Trans Resistance Network Formed to ensure the survival of gender diverse people and families through strategic coordination of resources for relocation, alternative systems of gender-affirming care, mutual aid, and community defense.

Erin’s National Informed Consent Clinics Map Erin Reed’s informed consent map lists every informed consent hormone therapy clinic.

Rainbow Passage Providing transportation for individuals in harm's way, with a focus on bringing them to the Sanctuary States and Cities. Safely escorting individuals to communities with the necessary legal, financial, educational, and medical resources to meet their needs.

Rainbow Railroad Rainbow Railroad is a global not-for-profit organization that helps at-risk LGTBQI+ people get to safety worldwide. Based in the United States and Canada, we’re an organization that helps LGBTQI+ people facing persecution based on their sexual orientation, gender identity and sex characteristics

Elevated Access Elevated Access was launched in 2022 in response to the extreme healthcare bans being enacted in state legislatures. We are a non-profit organization that enables people to access healthcare by providing flights on private planes at no cost. Our volunteer pilot network transports clients seeking abortion or gender-affirming care across the United States.

Transgender Map This free website shows how to make a gender transition.It tells about gender identity and gender expression, as well as the social, legal, and medical ways to make a transgender transition.

Hudson's FtM Guide This Guide is intended to provide information on topics of interest to female-to-male (FTM, F2M) trans men, and their friends and loved ones. Non-trans men have also found the pages on men's grooming and clothing to be helpful. Transgender, cisgender, intersex, non-binary, genderqueer, questioning, and "just plain folks" are all welcome.

Gender Spectrum Gender Spectrum is a national organization committed to the health and well-being of gender- diverse children and teens through education and support for families, and training and guidance for educators, medical and mental health providers, and other professionals.

Trans Health Project The Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund's Trans Health Project aims to ensure that all transgender and non-binary people can access the trans-related health care that they need.

Trans Resources Trans-Resources aims to help transgender, non-binary, and other gender non-conforming people find resources where they live. Our goal is to be a directory of advocacy organizations, legal resources, support & social groups, and other resources that servce the trans community.

LGBTQ Healthcare Directory The LGBTQ+ Healthcare Directory is a project of the Tegan and Sara Foundation and GLMA – Health Professionals Advancing LGBTQ+ Equality. It is a free, searchable database of all kinds of doctors, medical professionals and healthcare providers who are knowledgeable and sensitive to the unique health needs of LGBTQ+ people in the USA and Canada.

UK Gender Kit Gender Construction Kit, the UK guide to changing things that are linked to gender.

Gender Dysphoria Bible The purpose of this site is to document the many ways that gender dysphoria can manifest, as well as the numerous forms of gender transition, in order to provide a guide for those who are questioning, those who are starting their transgender journey, those already on their path, and those who simply wish to be better allies. LGBTQ+ Wiki Parts of this page have been adapted from the Global Transgender Resources Registry, the Tildes ~lgbt wiki (to which one of our admins was a previous contributor), and Emi’s thread

FtM Packer+ Spreadsheet Includes information on Binders, Packers, and More

nominal.naomi's research document A great document containing research documents related to trans health and more

/r/asktransgender wiki Provided below are a list of general resources to help everybody out.

Cross Post & Link In Communities That May Benefit From This Info


Last update: Sept 1; Count: 102

This is a continuously updated list of communities dedicated to health, or specific diagnoses, from all around the Lemmy network.

There are some disclaimers and notes below the list. Check them too.


How to use links?

If you're having problems with some links (such as a "community not found" message), see the FAQ on this post. I had to remove the dual links due to the character limit.


~General Health & Medicine:

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected] (1)

[email protected] (2)

[email protected]

[email protected]

~Disabilities & Accessibility:

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected] (2)

[email protected]

[email protected] (1)

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

~Health Conditions:


[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected] (1)

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

[email protected]

[email protected] (1)


[email protected]

Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis

[email protected]


[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

[email protected]


[email protected]

Kidney Disease

[email protected]

[email protected] (1)

[email protected]

[email protected] (1)

Neurodegenerative Diseases

[email protected]


[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected] (2)

[email protected]

Pain, Migraine, Fibromyalgia

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]


[email protected]


[email protected]

[email protected] (1)

Women's Health:

[email protected]

~Mental Health and Addiction:


[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]


[email protected]

[email protected] (1)

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[email protected]

Addiction and Support

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected] (Friends and Family of Persons with Addiction)


[email protected]

[email protected]

Avoidant Personality Disorder

[email protected]

Bipolar Disorder

[email protected]

Borderline Personality Disorder

[email protected]


[email protected]


[email protected]

Men’s Mental Health

[email protected]



[email protected] (Dangerous Dusts, Toxins and Occupational Hazards)

Healthcare Professional Communities

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected] (1)

[email protected]

Healthy Eating:

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected] (Calories In, Calories Out)

[email protected] (1)

[email protected]

[email protected] (LoseIt: Lose the Fat)

Healthy Lifestyle:

[email protected]

[email protected] (2)

[email protected] (Ofuro Japanese Soaking Tub) (2)

[email protected]

[email protected]


Drugs (Warning: Some posts may promote drug use.)

spoiler[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected] (2)


Satire and Memes

[email protected]

[email protected] (1)

[email protected]

[email protected] (1)

[email protected]



  • I'm not vouching for any of these communities, check at your own discretion. Some of them are abandoned or inactive, so if you see one without activity that might be interesting, consider bringing it back to life and crosspost here. Communities with no content whatsoever aren't included.

  • Work in progress - let me know if you know of new communities that aren't in the list, or if you have other feedback.

(1) Kbin is a different network from Lemmy. Interactivity may be limited or delayed.

(2) These instances aren't federated with To interact, you need to have an account on an instance that federates with them.

Important: Some instances may gravitate towards politics or philosophies different from your own. Inclusion of a health community of any instance does not mean endorsement of that philosophy.


The effects include higher rates of high blood pressure, diabetes and dementia.

Living near an airport increases the chances of developing diseases such as diabetes, dementia or high blood pressure, a new study finds.

The paper, released Tuesday by green NGO Transport & Environment, blames fine particles and elements in jet fuel for the health impacts.

“A total of 280,000 cases of high blood pressure, 330,000 cases of diabetes, and 18,000 cases of dementia may be linked to UFP [ultrafine particle] emissions among the 51.5 million people living around the 32 busiest airports in Europe,” estimate the researchers from the CE Delft consultancy, which authored the study.


Nearly 1.8 billion adults are at risk of cancer, stroke, dementia and diabetes due to insufficient exercise, according to a new report released on Wednesday.

The World Health Organization (WHO) said physical inactivity has increased globally by five percentage points from 2010 to 2022, yet around 31% of adults still don't meet exercise guidelines.

The study, published in The Lancet Global Health journal, pointed out that 34% of women and 29% of men are inactive.

If current trends continue, 35% of people will be inactive by 2030, the report said.

"Physical inactivity is a silent threat to global health, contributing significantly to the burden of chronic diseases," said Ruediger Krech, director of the WHO's health promotion department.


Higher PFAS exposure could cause lactation to slow or stop altogether within six months, new research finds

Women exposed to toxic PFAS “forever chemicals” prior to pregnancy face an elevated risk of being unable to breastfeed early, new research finds.

The study tracked lactation durations for over 800 new moms in New Hampshire and found higher PFAS exposure could cause lactation to slow or stop altogether within six months.

The findings are “cause for concern” said Megan Romano, an epidemiologist at Dartmouth University and lead author.

“For all women who are exposed, there’s a little bit of a decrease in the amount of time they breastfeed beyond delivery,” Romano said.


Since March, I’ve been waking up earlier. Before that time, I’d typically go to bed at 11 p.m. and naturally wake up between 7:00 and 7:30 a.m. Then, for some reason, regardless of what time I went to bed, I started spontaneously waking up between 5:30 and 6 a.m. Consequently, I moved my bedtime earlier, […]


Vivek Murthy made declaration after weekend in which dozens of Americans were killed or wounded in mass shootings

The US surgeon general on Tuesday declaredgun violence a public health crisis, driven by the fast-growing number of injuries and deaths involving firearms in the country.

The advisory issued by Dr Vivek Murthy, the nation’s top doctor, came as the US grappled with another summer weekend marked by mass shootings that left dozens of people dead or wounded.

“People want to be able to walk through their neighborhoods and be safe,” Murthy told the Associated Press in a phone interview. “America should be a place where all of us can go to school, go to work, go to the supermarket, go to our house of worship, without having to worry that that’s going to put our life at risk.”


In the wake of a debilitating cyberattack against one of the nation’s largest health care systems, Marvin Ruckle, a nurse at an Ascension hospital in Wichita, Kansas, said he had a frightening experience: He nearly gave a baby “the wrong dose of narcotic” because of confusing paperwork.

Ruckle, who has worked in the neonatal intensive care unit at Ascension Via Christi St. Joseph for two decades, said it was “hard to decipher which was the correct dose” on the medication record. He’d “never seen that happen,” he said, “when we were on the computer system” before the cyberattack.

A May 8 ransomware attack against Ascension, a Catholic health system with 140 hospitals in at least 10 states, locked providers out of systems that track and coordinate nearly every aspect of patient care. They include its systems for electronic health records, some phones, and ones “utilized to order certain tests, procedures and medications,” the company said in a May 9 statement.

More than a dozen doctors and nurses who work for the sprawling health system told Michigan Public and KFF Health News that patient care at its hospitals across the nation was compromised in the fallout of the cyberattack over the past several weeks. Clinicians working for hospitals in three states described harrowing lapses, including delayed or lost lab results, medication errors, and an absence of routine safety checks via technology to prevent potentially fatal mistakes.


A popular obesity drug may help treat a dangerous disorder in which people struggle to breathe while they sleep, a new study finds.

Tirzepatide, the medication in the weight loss drug Zepbound and also the diabetes treatment Mounjaro, appeared to reduce the severity of sleep apnea along with reducing weight and improving blood pressure and other health measures in patients with obesity who took the drug for a year.

Eli Lilly and Co., the drug’s maker who paid for the research, has asked the Food and Drug Administration to expand use of the drug to treat moderate to severe sleep apnea, in which people stop and start breathing during sleep, a spokesperson said Friday. A decision is expected by the end of the year.

But an outside expert cautioned in an editorial that more research will be needed to tell if the drug can be used as “a sole treatment” for obstructive sleep apnea, which occurs when tissue in the throat relaxes and collapses during sleep, fully or partially blocking the airway. It affects an estimated 20 million Americans and can cause short-term issues such as snoring, brain fog and daytime sleepiness but also severe long-term issues such as heart disease, dementia and early death.


I went in the sun Thursday around 90°F temperature and didn't put on sunscreen. Now I'm kind of feeling pretty bad.


In lieu of standalone clinics offering abortions, or telehealth appointments where patients get abortion medication by mail, family doctors are offering an abortion option in a familiar setting.

This trend of primary care integrating medication or procedural abortions, usually in early pregnancy, is growing in states where abortion is legal. While there is little data on how common this is becoming, NPR heard from primary care doctors across the country who said they are expanding their practices to provide abortion care.

There's no reason for this care to be siloed,” says Arnold, who is very public about her offerings, which include abortions up to 12 weeks of pregnancy and gender-affirming care. “I don't feel like it's any different than my management of diabetes or chronic pain or endometriosis — this is just a routine part of my day.”

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