Hout wram
This happens to me all the time as well as at a glance not showing weather. Unfortunately the only fix I know is to clear storage for the Google app. You'll need to reenable ok Google and maybe redo some other configurations after, but now playing should work again, at least for a little while...
Well you've edited the original post, but the quote shows a v6 cpu with a link to a v1. Which do you have? V6 is kaby lake and while not officially supported, it does have tpm2.0
Are you actually trying to send mail from your own smtp server? You mention apache and pihole which are completely unrelated.
Guessing you're not ipv6 only, but strace could still be of help: https://www.raspberrypi.com/news/host-your-own-mastodon-instance-on-a-raspberry-pi/
Perhaps overkill for your use case, but uv is pretty great. I suppose you could just use it to install a local python and then add it to your path.