
joined 10 months ago
[–] xploit 5 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

When it comes to bread recipes I wouldn't worry too much about being precise at first, you kind of figure out what works best for you, with your tools and your oven, so take them as a general guidance.

If you like sourdough/rye bread, give them a try once you're comfortable. Getting your own starter started can take a bit of time (lost of good info out there about it), but once you get your first decent looking loaf done you'll feel like the king and queen of the world (I know I did). That being said, you can go really nuts with the details with this, if you ever want to achieve your perfect loaf whatever it may be.

[–] xploit -3 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

Shhh take your sensible nonsense somewhere else, we want outrage and shitting on everything here

[–] xploit 6 points 4 weeks ago

Don't bother with apps, many website even certain official healthcare sites will have info about food calories, even some calculators and the intake for your age/weight/gender/etc. It seems that if you're biologically female you're kinda screwed though, my partner had much harder time getting 1/10th of result I was getting.

When it comes to counting food calories, you don't necessarily need exact numbers for raw ingredients and that info is out there, for anything else check out packaging and add it all up per day.

[–] xploit 3 points 4 weeks ago

I dunno, can't clearly see his pupils, he could be high 🤷

[–] xploit 2 points 1 month ago
[–] xploit 3 points 1 month ago

Lol yea, I forgot what timeline we're living in

[–] xploit 38 points 1 month ago (4 children)

As lucrative as Valve and Steam may seem to buy, even for 10x that amount, any analyst who is realistic about suggesting the purchase to another company would know that it isn't worth it. Not that it's a bad buy, but whoever can afford to buy it likely could not help themselves but fuck it up and run the whole operation to the ground.

[–] xploit 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Oh I got your point, which exactly leads to the fact that it would just become another enterprise to capitalise on, instead of banning anything, using shitty behaviour as an excuse to do so.

Edit; i.e. if you wanna ride a bike, well us politicians have decided that you need to do xyz first, but don't worry, my buddy offers x, my 2nd cousin does y and my wife actually has offers on z ATM. Don't look at us, it's because Billy over there didn't have his helmet on last year cu he's an asshole.

[–] xploit 10 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Worse, they'll probably make people jump through unnecessary hoops (licensing, testing and so on) for people to use them and it will become out of reach for most, due to affordability.

I mean it would be great to have people educated on rules etc of course, but imho that should be something done as free public service.

[–] xploit 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

This is probably one of your better bets and you'll learn far more than Lemmy currently has to offer, unless one of those production people who have worked in the industry (like my former colleagues) ends up seeing this.

I know some general stuff, as my work involved having operational knowledge, but not enough to give advice that you're looking for.

[–] xploit 0 points 1 month ago

Half-expected to see a wumbo boson in that article as a reason for "that" SpongeBob episode

[–] xploit 1 points 1 month ago

Does seem to work in Firefox focus for me on latest android, though I admit I didn't bother trying regular ff.as I can't be arsed to whitelist yt stuff in NoScript even temporarily

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