Laughs in obsolete industrial controls hardware
Googles call screening works kind of good if the other person doesn't think they have the wrong number because a robot answers.
Lean is also short for putting your inventory in an open top dumpster.
Go to your DMV with your birth certificate, social security card, and a utility bill with your name and proof of address for a replacement id.
Do what a normal person does. Let it fill up and you won't have to worry about it anymore.
This isn't adhd it is the legit flow from after a bullshit meeting. Then by the time you get ramped back up again it's the next meeting.
My only gripe to the chart is there should be some flat lining down near the bottom on the productivity side as a buffer pre and post. You spend time doing nothing wondering why you need to attend during pre-meeting time then during post-meeting time, doing nothing thinking about how you weren't necessary at that meeting. Then you begin the accel ramping.
“substantial harm to television program copyright owners,”
Give me a fucking break
The next town over from me, if you wash a white shirt in the washing machine it comes out with a tint of brown. We drink bottled water.
"The lawsuit, filed on behalf of children's digital rights campaigner Vicki Shotbolt by law firm Milberg London (via the BBC),"
Even going against their own policy and still refunding after the elapsed time has been met
False cure from onslaught block, instant, 2 black, until end of turn lose 2 life for every one you gain.
There's always another card lol
I think this one wins the post guys.