I've been here a year and still don't get it. Do i have to make a new account to comment or post on .today? If so, that's probably not happening. Why's it have to be so segmented so long as something isn't blocked.
there's already zero expectation of privacy at work so i don't mind using it there. have fun reading a history of allen bradley manuals from 1987 to 2024 lol
shout out to zscaler for being a heap of spying shit and constantly interrupting my network connections, and lookout for work having access to every permission imaginable.
enhancer for youtube extension in firefox for me.
No table saw needed. You could use a 10 dollar hand saw from horrible freight, measure the length and pull from the finish end and cut it like a normal person.
I guess it's good he didn't cut them to match so it stands out for the guy who pulls weeds in between the property lines. They'd be less likely to get stabbed by a 16 penny nail. Even getting scraped by a nail hurts like fuck. Anyone dismissing the nail portion of this job as "ok" or "have a friendly conversation" is missing as many brain cells as the person who fixed this fence.
I just recently adopted an old gateway PC with this intent in mind. I'm excited about it.
A well researched pre-owned is the way to go. I bought a 6900xt a couple years ago for a deal.
A democrat's favorite pass time is ignoring a fuming Bernie Sanders.
One could say this case has more substance than a subway sandwich.
basic cables
Bless his heart but we had a new guy setting his dock station up a couple years ago now, he tried daisy chaining his monitors display input together to make a dual display set up. We were small talking about our PC setup a little bit before this interaction. This was my moment of "what happened?"
Cerberus was next in line to the house of Hades, but Charon was not his master. Hades was.
I enjoy the mythos around Charon. If you lived your life to the point where you didn't have a single person to care for you enough to make a small payment in your name (think 2 pennies), you suffer the fate of merely waiting. He's like a minimalist renown filter of sorts. It's like a judge of character, so to speak, based on what others would do for you when you can't act.
It seems kinda grey because they're not saying he committed a crime they are saying that he was in certain camera frames and the police were looking for him. If the police announced a name then the news would be reporting fact. The camera bit could be debatable I think. If they were speaking more about the actions of the crime they'd have to alledge, which they did alledge about his "type" of bookbag.
I could be wrong I just found your comment interesting.