
joined 7 months ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 hours ago

I think Umbridge wins for me. Torturing kids feels worse than Kai Winn’s power grabbing machinations.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 4 hours ago (1 children)

One thing that immensely frustrates me about this is we don’t get this reaction from Ubisoft where an account is required to play pretty much all their games. Nor Activision with Call of Duty.

It’s not great that Sony is doing this, but at the same time the horse has already left the barn and people are just jumping on the rage bandwagon.

I’m not saying don’t be mad at Sony, but can we get this outrage at the other companies too?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 4 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago) (1 children)

Are there Trevis and Flotter fan fictions?

You know what, I do not want to know.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 9 hours ago

Nova Squadron!!!

[–] [email protected] 8 points 10 hours ago (4 children)

So many bike lanes are not well considered. They have poor maintenance because they’re the shoulder, they can be filled with debris that punctures tires or reduces traction, there are manhole covers are grates, parked cars, or they lead into sidewalks that you can’t legally bike on, etc.

As a rider you have to do what’s safest, and when there isn’t quality infrastructure that means avoiding certain roads and taking the full lane on others.

This law would simply make it impossible to create that infrastructure, which really sucks

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 hours ago

No idea, I say your second one

[–] [email protected] 21 points 11 hours ago (1 children)

This is what bugs me about the Ford government

They want none of the responsibilities or finances of a provincial government, and they constantly want to step in to municipal issues and politics.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 20 hours ago (3 children)

I always liked Wesley

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago

Oh Farscape

I watched that when I was very very sick (I lost like 30lbs), and to this day I have no idea how much was just fever dreams vs actually a real tv show.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago (2 children)

I’m almost certain I pronounce archipelago wrong, but nobody ever says it around me in real life to calibrate from.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 1 day ago (3 children)

I didn't know the actress who played Lwaxana has passed

I really love that character, she did an incredible job playing Lwaxana.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

Yeah, I should add, I'm not against reforming the justice system, really I'm frustrated by the lack of enforcement and lack of resources given to our courts.


S5 E3 Ensign Ro

Mot talking over Picard feels like a latinum mine for memes.


Hey all, I hope this post is okay

I'm currently going through a very high anxiety moment and have been having panic attacks all weekend. I'm still in one.

I've got a doctor appointment scheduled for next week, but I need some encouragement and advice to calm things down right now.

I have avoidant anxiety. When I was a student and I started having panic attacks for the first time. I couldn't force myself out of the house and stopped showing up at work and got myself fired and failed out of my classes. It took me years to recover.

I found a therapist privately back then and did CBT and it helped make things manageable enough that for years things were okay. She's no longer working, and I specifically avoided drugs then but I think that was a mistake.

I've been working for over a decade and have been carefully managing my anxiety with only a couple incidents. I worked in small companies, then did independent contracting, but now I've been in corporate jobs since COVID.

The last couple years I've been really struggling with my anxiety. As soon as everyone started doing mass layoffs and tightening the belt I've been struggling hard. The last few months it's gotten exponentially wise, and it's beyond my ability to manage.

I can't focus anymore, sitting at my desk gives me a panic attack every day, then I fail to meet my deadlines, so I stay up all night pushing myself, which boosts my anxiety.

I feel like I'm on a treadmill running full speed, but I'm tired, I can't breath anymore, I have that feeling if I run anymore my legs will collapse. But I'm on a treadmill, if I fall I get wrangled and crushed, even though I know I can't keep running.

Man I just need someone to say they know how I feel, that I'm not alone, and to help me push the next week until my appointment.

Edit: thank you everyone, you all helped me through that moment and I'm feeling clearer right now. You said some things that were what I needed to hear, with concrete advice, and I can't express how much I appreciate that.

It's going to be a rough week and I have a lot to think about


TNG S4E16 Galaxy's Child

This episode has so much cringe in it.

Geordie setting up a meeting and trying to make it into a date is a lot. Plus omitting that he had the computer summarize her files to resolve a critical crisis, while using the information he got from her file in discussing with her is not good.

Brahms does an excellent job letting him down and putting up firm boundaries.

But oh god, when she discovers the holodeck program, and then Geordie rant!

It's tough to watch in a totally different way than the Quark Gender swap episode.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/tenforward

I just watched Measure of a Man, they rule Data has the right to choose. But in Voyager the EMH gets relegated to forced servitude. Why? Doesn’t that violate precedent?


Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre stepped into the debate over trans rights on Wednesday, saying "biological males" should be banned from women's sports, change rooms and bathrooms.

"Female spaces should be exclusively for females, not for biological males," Poilievre said in Kitchener, Ont.

The Conservative leader made the comments after being asked if, as prime minister, he would introduce legislation to prevent "transgender women" or "biological men" from participating in female sports or entering female prisons and shelters.

"A lot of the spaces … are provincially and municipally controlled, so it is unclear ... what reach federal legislation would have to change them," Poilievre said.

"But obviously female sports, female change rooms, female bathrooms should be for females, not for biological males," he added.

[DELETED] (news.google.com)
submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre stepped into the debate over trans rights on Wednesday, saying "biological males" should be banned from women's sports, change rooms and bathrooms.

"Female spaces should be exclusively for females, not for biological males," Poilievre said in Kitchener, Ont.

The Conservative leader made the comments after being asked if, as prime minister, he would introduce legislation to prevent "transgender women" or "biological men" from participating in female sports or entering female prisons and shelters. 

"A lot of the spaces … are provincially and municipally controlled, so it is unclear ... what reach federal legislation would have to change them," Poilievre said.

"But obviously female sports, female change rooms, female bathrooms should be for females, not for biological males," he added. 

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