
joined 2 years ago
[–] wide_eyed_stupid 2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Wait, South Africa? Did I miss something? I know about all the other ones, but what is his beef with SA? Did Musk complain about something?

[–] wide_eyed_stupid 4 points 2 weeks ago

Yup, I've had my Kobo for quite a while now and I still love it. The push buttons are great, as pointed out by another poster, but also.. I've just never had any issues with it. None whatsoever. I'm hoping this one will just never brick.

About a month after I got mine, I bought the exact same one for my husband and he says his is still working like a charm as well! Now to be fair, I had never owned any other e-readers so I can't really compare it to anything, but quality-wise I'd say they're really good.

[–] wide_eyed_stupid 4 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Oh do fuck off. They were absolutely 100% fucking right about everything they said. Maybe the caps overdid it for you, but I could feel the frustration like my own, when dealing with people like you.

People who refuse to get vaccinated tell me exactly three things:

  1. They are morons,
  2. they are selfish, and
  3. they don't give a fuck about anyone else and would gladly infect and kill other people just so they can continue being ignorant fucking selfish assholes.

I want nothing to do with anyone like that. Ever again. Thankfully they all outed themselves during the last pandemic and made it easier for me to cut them out of my life. And anyone who defends these people can fuck off as well.

I am done trying to explain that vaccines don't cause autism. I am done trying to explain that vaccine side effects aren't killing millions of people outside conspiracy theory, anti-vax facebook groups. I am done trying to explain that when you live in a society with other people sometimes you have to do things you don't want to for the greater good. I am done trying to explain that not vaccinating your kids so they can die horribly from preventable shit MAKES YOU A FUCKING MURDERER and should be punishable by law.

I am done. I sincerely hope for all the poor children with anti-vax parents that they will survive into adulthood, and for all the immuno-compromised people that they can shield themselves from this terrifying ignorance, but for anti-vax conspiracy nuts themselves? There is only one thing I hope for: a new, deadlier pandemic. And I hope they suffer and die, just like all the other people who suffered and died while they stood by and didn't care and refused to do their teeny, tiny part to make it safer for everyone around them.

Fuck them.

[–] wide_eyed_stupid 6 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

Same here. Oh god, if I were to shower every day, my hair and skin would become super dry and it would start itching. And then after a while, my body would adapt by producing more oily stuff, which would force me to keep showering every day.

Right now I wash my hair only once or twice a week (depending) and it doesn't get greasy at all.

And before anyone says anything: DISCLAIMER: my showering habits obviously change with the seasons. Even though I don't sweat much, in summer I would feel nasty if I don't at least jump under the shower quickly twice a day or something (but just water, no products!).

[–] wide_eyed_stupid 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I will always remember him as the guy who filibustered his own bill just because Democrats voted for it. That one act perfectly encapsulates who he is.

[–] wide_eyed_stupid 1 points 3 weeks ago

It's true. Mods can really be a godsend. Perhaps my next playthrough I will see what mods are there, I usually do my first playthrough without mods. If I had to save and exit every time, I'd get mods too, haha.

They improved the motion sickness thing with alchemy as well btw. The first game I could only do 3 or 4 potions at once, because I'd get all dizzy. Now I can be there for hours if need be.

[–] wide_eyed_stupid 6 points 3 weeks ago

We (or at least loads of us) understand that while your government is deplorable, a lot of ordinary Americans are not. I guess it would also depend on where you go and how. If you're decked out in TRUMP/MAGA-clothes, then I suppose you might meet quite a few people who will instantly want nothing to do with you. But if you're a normal person, you most likely won't have any issues, aside from questions about U.S. issues.

Just come over. We won't bite. Don't put off your plans because of this. Enjoy yourself and walk around in a sane country for a while. ;)

[–] wide_eyed_stupid 2 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

I'm on PC too, but I guess I never really minded the potion making part. In KCD2 they even improved on it, since you can make 6 potions at once. My only issue at the start was finding Belladonna at all. There's some to the southeast of Troskowitz, but not enough to sustain my incessant saving habits.

Now I have plenty. Just figured I'd share.


Very close to Zhelejov is an interesting site named 'Nameless Spring' - no enemies around.

There's a basket with Belladonna and Herb Paris, but all around the big rock is a bunch of Belladonna (and right next to the basket a ton of Herb Paris if you need some more ;)) to harvest as well. I walked away with 65 Belladonna in total, and I'm sure I missed some.

Go on, chug those potions and save to your heart's content!

[–] wide_eyed_stupid 3 points 3 weeks ago

To be fair, I'd be very happy if they were to waste all their time, money and effort on just renaming shit. I mean, go crazy, the sky is the limit, make up some ridiculous names for things.

At least then they wouldn't have time to actually do fucked-up shit.

[–] wide_eyed_stupid 18 points 3 weeks ago

That's not fascist at all.


[–] wide_eyed_stupid 1 points 3 weeks ago

This one is clever, I love it.

[–] wide_eyed_stupid 10 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (2 children)

It doesn't fucking matter. Illegal or legal, they do not deserve to be sent to Gitmo. Nobody deserves to be sent there.

Or are you somehow arguing that concentration camps are fine, for some people. Then let's hope you don't belong to a group that becomes the other in the future.

And apparently they also arrest legal immigrants now. So eh.. well done, I guess.

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