“The goal is to make the town progress by improving the resilience of its inhabitants,”
Sounds a bit like Stardew Valley?
“The goal is to make the town progress by improving the resilience of its inhabitants,”
Sounds a bit like Stardew Valley?
A prior thread on Lemmy linked me to https://wanderinginn.com/ so I started reading that a few months ago... and it's a ton of content to work through so it'll be another few weeks at least for me to finish the first 9 books. Fun story, the writing is improving as the books progress. World building is 9/10; writing quality is 7/10. Worth giving the first chapter or two a try!
I'd suggest Podman over docker if someone is starting fresh. I like Podman running as rootless, but moving an existing docker to Podman was a pain. Since the initial docker setup was also a pain, I'd rather have only done it once :/
For me the use case of K8s only makes sense with large use cases (in terms of volume of traffic and users). Docker / Podman is sufficient to self-host something small.
Maybe it's your fast twitch vs slow twitch muscles composition? https://blog.nasm.org/fitness/fast-twitch-vs-slow-twitch
Hard to say since you state you do other activities that would usually indicate a balanced ratio, but form of those activities can influence whether one type or the other is preferred in muscle growth... You did say sprinting short distances isn't an issue, when you do weight training is it burst lift or slow reps?
Genetics is a big component because you most likely developed a form complimentary to your physique, meaning you do faster lifts and fewer sets because you have more type II, which then encourages growth of type II. Nothing wrong with this form or exercise approach, but it means you're adapted to bursts of activity instead of longer duration activity. So it'd take a longer timeframe to try to retrain your muscles (if you'd even want to).
Hard to diagnose over an internet forum, a qualified trainer should be able to advise better
Edit: actually looking into it more, baseball is a sport that heavily prioritizes fast-twitch. If you trained for that in your formative growth years you likely do have an imbalance favoring type II over type I. Again: Check with a trainer over an internet stranger. But adjusting your strength training to favor typeI development could yield benefits to your distance running... That would require a multi-week period to see changes though :(
High heart rate and "struggling" makes me think this is a likely underlying cause.
Does "struggling" mean burning lungs and side stitches? If so it's certainly this. If it's just muscle fatigue it might also be hydration or electrolyte shortage.
Quick links on how to improve breathing while running: https://marathonhandbook.com/how-to-breathe-while-running/
The average number of legs per person is less than two....
There's a decent body of research indicating cash transfers actually are as effective as in-kind charity (often found to be even more efficient). With more recently neuance being added hinting at when one or the other is better at achieving long-term benefits. This is the basis behind charities like Give Directly. If you're interested in some background:
Randomized trial of cash compared to food welfare in Mexico: https://www.aeaweb.org/articles?id=10.1257/app.6.2.195
OECD counties comparing cash transfers to expanded childcare and education: https://read.oecd-ilibrary.org/social-issues-migration-health/money-or-kindergarten-distributive-effects-of-cash-versus-in-kind-family-transfers-for-young-children_5k92vxbgpmnt-en#page5
India based comparison, noting the effectiveness and perception of the in-kind charity impacts long term results (e.g. social stigma of receiving food charity): https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0306919214000499
Any assumption that direct cash payments will be misspent as a reason to prefer in-kind welfare isn't justified IMO. Benefits are fungible. Any money saved on food / childcare / whatever will be respent either efficiently (or not) in similar proportions to the direct money welfare... But administrative costs and externalities with in-kind transfers tend to make them less efficient on average.
Yeah, a lot of the studies about remote work being less productive I find faulty. In my work/team we saw huge productivity gains. Now company-wide are asking for return to office and I'm telling my team not to comply and refer complaints to me (manager). We do go in once a week (in-person interactions have a benefit, but there's diminishing returns to how often these in person benefits occur). Often this will be lined up with client meeting, in-person performance reviews, team lunch, etc.
The international remote teams are already complaining. They can't have the usual meetings because my team is commuting to the office on X day of week. Yeah, early morning meeting with India, EU, etc are a staple now (and part of our productivity boost, it's better to meet when it's not super late for them). When commute to office returned I (and others) booked commute as a time block so the international teams didn't try to get us on calls in the car. If the company wants that time block back for meetings the involved members don't come in.
This will eventually come to a head, but I'm standing with my team members and improved metrics over blanket C-level demands. The business case is already written up for the first time they complain.
Yssari has always been my favorite. So much flexibility & options (assuming your action card draws aren't super terrible).
If only we had some clue as to how the other guy would handle the protests.... oh yeah, we kind of do:
Peaceful Protesters Tear-Gassed To Clear Way For Trump Church Photo-Op
Trump threatens military force against protesters nationwide