
joined 10 months ago
[–] whostosay 0 points 2 hours ago

"close enough" is what I was commenting on.

[–] whostosay 5 points 6 hours ago (1 children)

Oh I was talking about bangin' the gpu

[–] whostosay 2 points 12 hours ago

Sir, that appears to be Kitler. Tread lightly

[–] whostosay 4 points 12 hours ago

Hell yeah, love everything about this comment. Keep being you.

[–] whostosay 8 points 12 hours ago (4 children)

How fine are we talking? What would you do to it?

[–] whostosay 2 points 12 hours ago

Kinda looks like sexy/down bad Jesus to me.

[–] whostosay 9 points 12 hours ago* (last edited 12 hours ago) (3 children)

There is and was, it resulted in many children and adults dying.

[–] whostosay 1 points 13 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago) (2 children)

You're just a complete fucking idiot, aren't ya. Make sure that when you see facts, you double down on your dumbassness.

[–] whostosay 15 points 13 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago)

Well except for giant fake titties, God wants those. If we can get those on some minors, I'm pretty sure Republicans would shut the fuck up for decades.


I am not bad with computers and have a beginner+, maybe intermediate level knowledge of Linux and I kept running into some problems here and there with different distros. Most claimed to work out of the box (which may be the case for some users, but I have a shit ass Nvidia 1060 and that was not at all the case, until I installed Nobara KDE/Nvidia.

Just came here to potentially save someone time, this shit is actually working out of the box, closest experience to this was with Arch, but that's definitely not out of the box.


I have a question I need to ask but I want to do it privately as the topic it correlates to is pretty taboo. Please comment or dm me, and I'll dm you back.


I wanted to post this for two reasons, one being to try to drive this community's engagement up a little, and the other to grow my collection of books on the topic.

As much as I'd love to see this community as active as its Reddit counterpart, I would also like if it wasn't as hostile as r/UFOs. So far on Lemmy, it's been great to see that for the most part we are not all at each other's throats.

Let's talk about some books, y'all. What should I be reading?


Hey fellas, I noticed a lot of people will install/boot headless versions of this software on raspi to conserve resources. If I go through installing what I need to install via the GUI/Terminal, will I have any issues when I'm finished turning on the boot to CLI? I assume this won't affect the background process too much (unless of course something I install needs a GUI.)

Along with that, will I still be conserving the same amount of resources as if I ran headless to begin with. Running x64 Bookworm on raspi 4 (8gb) if that matters, and have a general self-hosting setup.

Thanks in advance!

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